Hello everyone.

I am assuming I am not alone in this opinion, but since no one else
has said this yet, I wanted to drop a few comments out there about the
current JVM language discussions that seem to be ravaging the forum. I
have my asbestos suit on already, plus I did a sanity check with a
couple of trusted advisors before writing this. My hope is that some
of these considerations will ring true and help to raise the tone of
conversations taking place.

My feeling is that there is far too much negativity in the
discussions, and even in the titles, of many of the threads currently
on the group. I have been surprised several times by the vitriol in
many of these threads.

My own belief is that there is little point in trying to convince
people to not learn or use a particular language (take your pick) and
that doing so is a harmful act. Why do you personally care if someone
else chooses to expend their energy in learning some particular
language, or library, or beekeeping, or anything else for that matter?
Why is it so important to convince the world that language X is bad
and should not be used, or cannot possibly have a future.

I would much rather see positive discussions around languages and
libraries, and how they solve problems that we all see right now. This
is equally true for Groovy, Clojure, Ruby, Python, Scala, Java
closures, and ideas like Lombok, Java.next and other solutions to
problems we have identified in our current tools and practices. They
all have their trade-offs which at this stage are pretty well
understood and repeating them endlessly seems to only drive more of a
wedge between people, rather than leading to a healthy discussion
about what can be learned from each and all of these options.

In particular I find it very discouraging to read the kind of
negativity or defeatism that seems to be attempting to spread fear
about even trying to learn another language. Recently Scala has been
the recipient of the worst of this in the Posse groups, but I remember
similar discussions (and bad feelings) about Lombok when it came out -
as you may recall we chose to focus on the positives rather than the
negatives on the show.

To strengthen my statement, I believe that developers should
constantly try to expand their knowledge and skills. Recent
discussions that may or may not have been taken out of context (it's a
point of view, not a fact, whether they were or weren't) about good
vs. bad developers does align with this one thing I believe - a good
developer is constantly striving to improve him/herself through
learning, being open to new ideas, trying stuff out, and investing
intellectual capital into learning stuff which may or may not turn out
to be important in the long run.

Looking back at my own learning path, I would be hard pressed to
identify anything at all that I regret spending time learning. This
includes learning Groovy (still my macro language of choice and almost
always a better choice for configuration needs than XML), XML (even in
light of the previous statement, as a structured data format XML is
still heaps better than the world was before XML, when everything was
either CSV or some kind of proprietary data format were things like
column positions mattered).

Add to that Clojure which I have been learning recently (easier since
I did so much with emacs lisp and even a little scheme back in the
day, and I am starting to really appreciate the power of an STM
mechanism embedded at the core of a language). Ruby, which along with
being kind of a neat language convinced me of the huge value of Koans
as a way of learning. Python which I have loved for as long as Java,
and lots more stuff I can remember.

OK - now that the Kumbaya shit is out of the way, I am going to ask
that people try and keep a more respectful tone in their postings and
see if we can't produce something a bit more constructive out of these
discussions rather than the current trend of more and more bad


Try asking yourselves a few questions before giving in to that knee-
jerk reaction.

Does this point need to be repeated again or has it been covered
Why am I writing this? To Educate, or to try and impose my opinion or
my view onto someone else? (yes, I understand the irony of this
statement given this posting, but frankly I have held off writing this
as long as I could stand hoping that the situation would sort itself
out, now I am not sure it will without some effort).
Why do you care if someone else wants to spend their time using (or
not using) language X?
How many of us actually do something because of a "hard sell", versus
feeling even less likely to give it a go because of the negative
energies already associated with it?
Are you really comfortable with disrespecting someone publicly in this
forum because of a difference of opinion, however passionately you
might believe differently?

and as final considerations

Is there some way I can say this based on facts and positive
criticism, rather than something which, if I am honest, is my opinion?
Would I say this to someone, in this way, if face to face with them
instead of typing it into a web app?

Now - all of this is my opinion as well - feel free to ignore it. We
are not about to start moderating anything on the groups (apart from
the obvious spam of course), but I don't like the current signal to
noise ratio trend here personally and I am betting that others are
being put off by it as well.

During JavaOne I was very impressed at the level and tone of many of
the conversations that took place. The scripting bowl, for example,
was overall very friendly and positive - for a while there I thought I
might end up representing Groovy as well as Scala because Guillaume
got sick. Graeme Rocher did a much better job than I would have, but I
would have absolutely represented Groovy as well as I possibly could
because ultimately I don't care what other people learn as long as it
keeps them learning. Likewise, Andres Almiray's polyglot talk was
extremely classy, talking about the practical issues of multiple
languages on a project, and not a hint of you should or shouldn't use
this language, or this one is better than that one.

Perhaps people are simply more civil when they are face to face
(scratch that, I know that is the case). Either way, I am sorry to say
that I enjoyed the language discussions I had at JavaOne far more than
I have enjoyed reading these threads on the Posse group recently, and
in many ways that prompted this posting.

Thanks for reading


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