> I like the .NET languages but my experience with MS languages is that
> the tools are expensive and not very good (I haven't tried Resharper).

Hmm It took Microsoft and J++ to get a decent IDE with code completion
and breakpoint debugger into Java. Also, having to pay for tools is
hardly the most expensive thing about software development, man-hours

>  A lot is opaque, so it can be hard to find out why, say, an installer
> does nothing, or behaves differently on Windows 7 to XP.

Sure, because it is super easy to distribute and run Java software!
That's why each and every noteworthy desktop application uses a native
wrapper to bootstrap.

> With Java, I can get the guys in tech support who did some programming
> at uni to have a go at lending a hand in a quiet moment, without
> worrying about furnishing them with a VS licence or having them use a
> pirated version.

With C#, I'm done faster so I usually go help out in tech support. ;)

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