> I have no idea why SSDs are even relevant; macs either (A) have a
> harddisk which is fully replaceable and uses standard SATA connectors.
> You can stick an SSD in there, or not, up to you, or (B) In the new
> macbook airs, just released a week or two ago, there's no user-
> replaceable disk at all. They ship with an SSD soldered straight onto
> the motherboard. Sure, that gets annoying if you want to upgrade part
> of your hardware, but if you care about that, you probably shouldn't
> buy a tiny 11" waferthin notebook.

You're missing the point, it's hardly only Apple's netbooks which you
can't touch! I have colleges with large desktop Mac's, wanting to
replace their (now) noisy and slow drives, yet in order to do that
they have to unmount the glass and perform maneuvers one should only
attempt in a clean room. SSD's are relevant because they are, in this
day and age, the single most important upgrade you can give your
computer - potentially saving the environment one more year or so, of
your e-waste.

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