To expand on this and draw some comparisons…

In Leopard, Apple was pushing developers to some resolution-
independence APIs, but not all of these made the move to iOS. The
foundations are there, but not all the details. In iOS, you're
supposed to think in terms of points, not pixels. On early iPhones,
iPods, and the iPad, one point equals one pixel. On the iPhone 4 and
4th gen touch, one point equals four pixels.  For bit-mapped assets,
you append @2x to your file names and the higher resolution version
gets used as appropriate.

But that's not the whole story. For anything that involves text or
graphics drawn in code, you pick up resolution independence from Core
Graphics, as you'd expect. A lot of the basic classes that Apple
provides draws stuff in code, so most apps scale up pretty nicely
(perhaps worth noting here that Cocoa prefers direct use of its
classes, with custom code provided via delegation, rather than
subclassing as you'd tend to do in Java frameworks like Swing).  I did
a maintenance gig on the PGA Championship app last Summer, and in one
case, they opted to replace a PNG graphic of a score card with a
version drawn in code, since it would scale up and down easily (plus,
replacing year-old graphic assets is sometimes more of a hassle than
just stroke-and-filling it once and for good).

One of the things that really came out of Dick and Joe's discussion
has to do with layouts.  In AWT and Swing, we had LayoutManager
classes to do layout, while from what I can gather, Android uses XML
files to describe layouts. I think the idea is similar though: you
describe view objects' relative positions to one another, their
stretch behaviors, and so on.  This has the advantage of working at a
lot of different sizes and shapes, or across platfoms where UI
elements and fonts may have different metrics, with the disadvantage
that it's hard to get things looking just the way you want.  Jack of
all form factors, master of none.  Or, like the guy in the cartoon
said: "Grid Bag"

Since iOS devices operate with known screen sizes and consistent
widget metrics, its tools allow you to place widgets at specific
coordinates. On iOS, you don't have to defend against the screen being
500 pixels (um, I mean points) bigger or smaller than you expected.
Widgets, or views, do get a bitmask of "autosizing" behavior that
controls what they do when their superview resizes, though it's just a
matter of growing or shrinking on each axis, and mantaining a fixed
distance from one or more sides of the parent (you can also tell a
view not to resize its subviews).  Another difference is that the Java
layout managers don't typically allow for overlapping, short of
explicitly using multiple overlapping containers (glass pane,
anyone?), while it's very natural on iOS.

I think this is what came up with Dick and Joe.  Any Android app would
have to use dynamic layout, so dealing with a huge tablet screen would
be no sweat. The question is whether the resulting layout uses the
space appropriately: I can easily imagine ending up with oddly large
spacing between components, or a huge swath of wasted space at the
bottom of the screen.  On iOS, you either run as an unmodified iPhone
app and pixel double, or use a completely different view for iPad,
which of course encourages you to rethink your UI.  The latter is much
preferred.  In fact, there are a number of UI elements that only work
on one platform or the other: iPhones cannot use the UISplitView (it
wouldn't fit), while iPads are not supposed to make the whole UI
subject to a UINavigtionController (with all that space, you should be
able to use menus and popovers to make selections and perform


On Jan 21, 1:32 pm, phil swenson <> wrote:
> I believe the only thing you have to do for iOS is include double sized
> resources (suffix @2x on resources).  The widgets are not bitmaps so they
> auto-scale.  iOS also has layout managers for handling align
> top/left/right/bottom....
> here is a link describing the issues with going to a non-integer multiple on
> higher resolutions:
> <>
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Moandji Ezana <> wrote:
> > Tor and Joe debated this for a while during #336. I think we covered it in
> > another thread, but maybe it deserves its own.
> > My impression, gathered from my dabbling in Android dev and from what
> > Karsten said in that other thread, is that Android has a more logical and
> > extensible system than iOS.
> > In Android, you have folders with special names into which you put various
> > resources and the runtime then decides which version to use. These
> >  resources can be layouts, images, text, color codes, binary assets, almost
> > anything. The codes you can use to compose the folder names are things like
> > ldpi, mdpi and hdpi for screen densities, portrait and land for orientation
> > and locales. You can combine those three any way you want. That's an
> > extensible system, as Google could add new codes to handle whatever new
> > hardware situation arises.
> > Can someone contrast that with the iOS system? I got the impression you had
> > to put checks in your code.
> > The one thing I wonder about Android's system is if all those resources are
> > downloaded, even if they're never going to be used. If so, that could be a
> > lot of bloat, when a lot of devices don't have even all that much space to
> > install apps.
> > Moandji
> >  --
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