I've yet to watch the presentations but colour me surprised at the vaporware 
nature, too.  Spending a lot of time hashing out a language "on paper" is, 
if you ask me, very much the wrong way to go about it. The basics are 
relatively trivial, especially for someone who has been secretly thinking of 
language features most of the time during the past 10 years (how else do you 
channel frustrations with your main language if not by imagining a way that 
would be less frustrating)?

Thus, I would have expected a basic language parser and compiler with a few 
of the interesting edge cases explicitly not filled in at all yet, possibly 
with some command line switches to enable a few different experimental ways 
to tackle the interesting edge cases.This way the language authors and 
fellow interested can give a few different ways of doing things a whirl and 
come to some sort of consensus. I've yet to see a language where everything 
just falls into place; there are always use cases that aren't catered to yet 
but where implementing a solution is complicated, either because its hard to 
come up with a natural syntax that doesn't clash anywhere else (natural = 
obvious and easy to remember for the programmers and relatively readable), 
or where what the implementation is supposed to do is just plain complicated 
(i.e. the iteration variable of a for loop's behaviour in closures).

I also admit I'm not particularly charmed of pre-announcing a programming 
language in the first place. I don't think its healthy for the community _AT 
ALL_, because the new language can make as many claims as it wants to 
without an easy way to check if the hype is justified. The focus naturally 
drifts towards pointing at flaws in the purported language-to-be-replaced 
(i.e. java, the language), instead of the benefits this new language brings 
to the table (or, in other words, the 'benefits this new language brings to 
the table' is simply framed as: Fixes all of java's faults, which doesn't 
mean much, as some of those faults are JVM-related, most are in the eye of 
the beholder, and many are intrinsically related to java's strengths, so any 
attempt to fix them will most likely introduce new faults and/or its not at 
all obvious how one would go about fixing such things).

Perhaps this is an attempt to generate more eyeballs and contributors, but 
doesn't that effectively amount to design-by-committee programming if you 
actually manage to get the contributors? I doubt you'll find people willing 
to meekly just implement your vision, no questions asked, on their own free 
time. Not if the language is no more than a dream on paper.

I'm hoping I'll be seeing some actual innovations and not just a loose 
collection of 'lets fix java things'. This notion of offering a structural 
way to store hierarchical data in the language itself in order to ditch the 
frequent need for XML(-esque) config files is interesting though it sounds a 
bit familiar (GoSu has something similar as does JavaFXScript).

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