On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 15:03, Eric Jablow <erjab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 18, 5:45 am, Roland Tepp <luol...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> At the risk of causing some whitespace holy war, I would actually secont
>> that sentiment.
>> Also - if everyone used tab for indentation, it would open up elastic
>> tabstops <http://nickgravgaard.com/elastictabstops/> and opening up.
>> Also, to throw it out here, I just stumbled upon a pretty neat idea talking
>> about sidestepping the whole *tabs vs spaces* discussion by using a word
>> processor<http://daniel.lanovaz.org/Site/Blog/Entries/2004/10/31_Thinking_with_...>
>> for writing code instead. Quite bold proposal, I would say...
>> kolmapäev, 18. mai 2011 9:56.33 UTC+3 kirjutas Casper Bang:
> Once upon a time, when I was programming on a NeXT box, I saw that
> one could have his Objective-C .h and .m files be RTF files.
> The compiler would ignore fonts, styles, and colors. I am now having
> odd
> dreams of a programming language where fonts, styles, and colors are
> significant. Instead of writing a[3], one would write a (subscript)3.

ColorForth? ;-)

> They're fitting me for my straitjacket now.

I hacked on ETH's Oberon System for a number of years. The OS came
with a rich text editor built in and all programming was done in that
environment in a proportional font. It was not unusual to embed images
in source (as commentary). It was generally convention to bold
exported identifiers and set comments in italics. I sometimes set
custom tab stops to exercise more control over code layout. I found it
a very pleasant environment to program in, though *very* different
from the world of Emacs+Eclipse+Java I live in now.

// Ben

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