Gosh - Sorry Jan, I have absolutely no recollection of saying that,
can someone give me a hint what my train of thought might have been.

I don't use JPA in Scala, as much as I liked it in Java. I use
Squeryl, sometimes Querulous, and MongoDB whenever I can. I think
traits can be a more natural way of mixing in persistence to a class
than annotations (perhaps that's what I was thinking), but beyond that
I can't imagine what I would have been thinking at the time :-).


On Jun 15, 2:37 am, Jan Goyvaerts <java.arti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the aforementioned episode Dick talks about Scala being natural/intuitive
> for object persistence. I assumed he meant using JPA with case classes. But
> did he meant it that way ? In the last week I had various trials with mixed
> success. I'd rather have case classes for their advantages but then there's
> the tricky formatting of the annotations.
> Does anybody in here have a working example/doc of these Scala-natural
> entities ? (case classes ? all in one file ? etc ...)
> My biggest frustration : I can't get the 2nd level caching working. I've
> done this many times in Java. But Scala code resisted all my attempts so
> far. Does anybody in here managed to enable the 2nd level cache ? Please ...
> :-P
> Thanks !
> Jan

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