On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 15:33:29 +0100, rakesh mailgroups
<rakesh.mailgro...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Fabrizio,

i think you are being unrealistic.

I'm all for doing due diligence when choosing important software like this
(I use 1Password + dropbox btw) but you need to realise their are NO 100%

Look what happened to Sony, hackers get hold of government data and post it.

What I think you should be asking yourself is, will I be able to get any
money back if I should be hacked? The answer is invariably yes as you are
already part of the minority who understands technology and isn't stupid to
use guessable passwords or the same one across multiple sites.

That's precisely my problem, and I think I wouldn't get the money back -
in the most optimistic case, I'd have to fight with lawyers spending lots
of time (thus money). Please note that we're not talking of a problem of
the bank, but of a problem of me, the customer. I bet the bank would say:
blame your password manager provider. I think we all learned in those
years how banks are able to blame others for *their own* errors, so figure
out when the error is not theirs. And then I suppose that in the fine
prints 1Password, KeyPass etc deny all relevant liability. Not counting
that they refer to courts abroad from my point of view, which would only
increase the troubles. And in any case it would require time, and in the
meantime? How do you live without money?

LastPass, KeyPass, 1Password all have a lot to lose if their software is not good enough.

True. Even Tepco had a lot to lose if their estimate about the maximum height of tsunami waves was wrong. In fact they lost a lot.

As someone pointed out, you have to trust someone somewhere in order to do

... and for my banking account I trust on me, myself and I :-) Should
something tragic happen without any possibility of recovery, at least I'd
blame myself. If I can't recover, I prefer to have troubles caused by me
than a third party who escapes its responsibility. This helps in keeping
my blood pressure low.

Lifes too short, move on.

Yep. If it's short and moneyless is even worse. :-)

Fabrizio Giudici - Java Architect @ Tidalwave s.a.s.
"We make Java work. Everywhere."
http://tidalwave.it/fabrizio/blog - fabrizio.giud...@tidalwave.it

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