Hi Hailley,

If it helps any, when ever I use Reg Scrub XP, I always tend to end up using 
my Jaws cursor to click on the relevant buttons.

I don't know why that happens, but since I use it very rarely, except when I 
notice that there is sluggishness or crashes on my system, or even what 
Windows calls hang-ups, I will run it once, and possibly two or three times 
until I get no problems found.

In any case, whether you would like to use it once or twice, I always use 
the Jaws cursor to move around the window, as this is the easiest for me, 
instead of trying to guess on the different buttons I'm on.

Besides, there are only a few buttons to click on.  The first being the "Reg 
Scrub XP Finds Problems Button", then, if you wish, you can use the Jaws 
cursor to arrow down to the portion of the window that details the status, 
where it says files examined, equals a large number, followed by files found 
and another number, then finally it will say reg scrub xp finds problems 
equals in process or completed.  At this point, you can use the Jaws cursor 
to go down to the bottom of the window to click on the select all button 
after the program has completed it's scan.  Then, all you have to do is 
cursor over to the fix selected problems button, and you're good to go.

At this point, you might want to use the Jaws cursor to move to the same 
area where you read the status of the scan, and listen for the large numbers 
again, as I said above, and especially listen to whether Jaws says reg scrub 
xp fixes selected problems equals in progress or completed.

Once it says that the fixing is completed, then you can just close the 
program with the alt-F4 command, or run another scan.  Like I said, I find 
it better to run the scan two or three times until the program doesn't find 
any problems, and although it may seem that the damn thing always finds 
problems, don't worry, eventually, it will say that there were no problems 

I should note, that even though I outlined the steps to do a scan above, 
there is one or two caveats, or be carefuls.

The first is that I may not be entirely accurate with the word completed, it 
may say finished, but pay particular attention to the equals and the 
progress statement, as this will tell you when it's finished.

I wish the people who wrote the program would put a sound on the damn 
program to tell us blinks when it's done, but just like diarrhoea, you never 
know when it's done until you check for yourself...Don't ask.

The last thing I want to mention, is that you should never do these scans 
too often.

While a scan once in a while is a good thing, doing it once a week could 
ruin your registry in ways that could corrupt your version of Windows and 
cause it to have to be re-installed.

Like I said, I only run it once in a blue moon, and only when I have 
examined and eliminated all other possibilities, like Jaws corruption, 
program corruption and when the restore hasn't worked.

I always examine the MS Config first to make sure nothing is running that 
shouldn't be, because sometimes programs, spyware or viruses will install 
themselves without letting you know, and they will sometimes show up in the 
MS Config or the Task Manager.

Like I said though, run this program sparingly, but when you do, run it well 
and completely.


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