Another great post from our own research department, keep them coming Ray.
David Ferrin
Using Windows Easy Transfer to transfer your data to a new computer

Table of Contents
List of 7 items
1. Introduction
2. The types of data can be transferred
3. Preparing the computers to use Windows Easy Transfer
4. Using Windows Easy Transfer with a Easy Transfer Cable
5. Using Windows Easy Transfer over a Network
6. Using Windows Easy Transfer with Removable Media
7. Conclusion
list end

When purchasing a new computer one of the most frustrating experiences is
moving existing data to the new computer from the older one. In the past
you wanted to transfer data you had to copy the data via a network, store it
onto a DVD/CD/Floppy and then copy it back onto the new PC, or physically
take the hard drive out of the old machine and install it into the new
machine. The main problem using these methods was that you could only move
such as documents, pictures, movies, saved games, etc. E-mail could be moved
but was a difficult a process. Moving settings and program configurations,
on the other hand, was not possible, except for the experts, and you had to
reconfigure each of the applications on the new computer. Windows Vista
all this with a new bundled application called Windows Easy Transfer that
can easily migrate data from Windows XP SP2, Windows 2004 SP4, and Windows
operating systems.

Windows Easy Transfer is a program that comes bundled with Windows Vista,
and when run, scans our computer for
data and settings
that you can transfer to your new computer. This migration can be done via a
myriad of methods including USB flash drives, DVDs, a network, or by using
a new product called a
Vista Easy Transfer Cable.
What makes this program so powerful and easy to use is that it is wizard
driven so you just answer questions, make sure all of your data was properly
and then press a button to start the transfer. For this tutorial, we will
focus primarily on migrating our data using the
Vista Easy Transfer Cable
or via a network. We chose these two methods as they are the easiest and
quickest methods to transfer your data.

The types of data can be transferred

Using Windows Easy Transfer you can migrate most files and program settings.
Below is a table describing the types of data and settings that can be

Table with 2 columns and 7 rows
Data Type
Files and Folders
Any files found in your My Documents, My Pictures, and Shared Documents
folder will be selected to be moved automatically. You can also add other
that are in other locations.
E-mail messages and Settings
E-mail messages, contacts, account settings, and address books from Outlook
Express, Outlook, Windows Mail, and other programs.
Program Settings
Programs that are compatible with Vista will have their settings transferred
to the new computer. In order for this properly to work the program must
be installed on the Vista computer.
User Settings
Desktop settings, color settings, screen savers, fonts, Windows options,
Internet Settings
Favorites, cookies, and Internet Explorer settings.
Pictures, Video, and Music
Music files, playlists, and album are. Pictures (gif, jpg, bmp files) and
personal videos.
table end

Preparing the computers to use Windows Easy Transfer

Before you use Windows Easy Transfer on your older computer you first need
to install the software. The three methods that can be used to install
Easy Transfer on the old computer are:
List of 3 items
. The Windows Vista DVD

. A CD that comes with an Easy Transfer Cable

. Media that we create via the Windows Easy Transfer program in Windows
list end

The two easiest methods are to use the Windows Vista DVD to install the
program. To install the software off of the Vista DVD just insert it into
the old
computer and when the setup menu appears click on the Transfer files and
settings from another computer option. If we have autorun disabled then open
DVD and double-click on the setup.exe program. The setup screen is shown

Vista DVD Setup Screen
Figure 1. Vista DVD setup screen

If you purchased a
Vista Easy Transfer Cable
then insert the CD that came with it into the old machine and install the
software. If these two options are not available then follow the
below in order to create installation media using the Vista's Windows Easy
Transfer program.

The following instructions should be performed on our new Vista computer.
List of 11 items (contains 1 nested list)
1. Click on the Start button.

2. Click on the All Programs menu option.

3. Click on Accessories

4. Click on System tools

5. Click on the Windows Easy Transfer icon.

6. When Windows Easy Transfer starts, click on the Start a new transfer

7. At the next screen you should click on the My New Computer option.

8. When it asks if we have an easy transfer cable, click on the option
labeled No, show me more options.

9. At the next screen it will ask if we have Windows Easy Transfer installed
on the older computer. We should select the option labeled No, I need to
it now.

10. A new screen will appear asking how we would like to install Windows
Easy Transfer on the older computer. Our options are to use a CD, USB Flash
External Hard Disk or shared network folder, Windows Installation Disc or
Windows Easy Transfer DVD.

Create Installation Media Options
Figure 2. Create installation media options

List of 4 items nesting level 1
. If you select the CD option, Vista will ask for the drive letter that
corresponds to a CD or DVD writer. Insert blank media into the writer and
its drive letter in the drop down menu. Then press the Next button to create
the installation software on this media.

. If you select the USB flash Drive option, Vista will ask for the driver
letter of our USB flash drive. Select the driver letter and press the Next
to copy the installations files to the drive. This option will be dimmed and
unavailable if there is no USB flash drive plugged into the computer.

. If you select the External hard disk or shared network folder option,
Vista will ask for a folder on an external hard drive or a network share
where the
installation files will be stored. Under this newly created folder will be a
autorun.inf file and another folder called MigWiz. To start the setup open
the MigWiz folder and double-click on the Migsetup.exe file.

. If you select the Windows installation disc or Windows Easy Transfer CD
option, Vista will assume that one of these two methods were used and ask
we would like to transfer our data.

list end nesting level 1
11. When the installation media has finished being created, use this media
to install Windows Easy Transfer on to the older computer.
list end

Using Windows Easy Transfer with a Easy Transfer Cable

For many users the best method to transfer data to a new Vista computer is
to use a
Vista Easy Transfer Cable.
An Easy Transfer Cable is a cable that has a USB plug on each end of the
cable and gets plugged into both computers. This allows you to transfer data
the two computers using the Windows Easy Transfer program. For the best
speed, it is advised that you plug both ends of the cable into a USB 2.0
port on
each computer in order to maximize your transfer speed. The steps necessary
to use an Easy Transfer Cable to migrate data to our new computer are
below. As you go through these instructions the tutorial will indicate which
computer you should be using.

Do not plug the Easy Transfer Cable into either computer as of yet!

On our new Vista computer:
List of 9 items
1. Click on the Start (
) button.

2. Click on the All Programs menu option.

3. Click on the Accessories menu option.

4. Click on the System tools menu option.

5. Finally click on the Windows Easy Transfer icon to start the program.
When the program loads you will be greeted with the welcome screen below.

Windows Easy Transfer Welcome Screen
Figure 3. Windows Easy Transfer welcome screen

Click on the Next button to continue to the next screen.
6. You will now be at a screen, shown below, where the program is asking
whether this is a new transfer or if you want to continue an old one.

Select Transfer Type
Figure 4. Select the transfer type

As this is a new transfer click on the Start a new transfer option
7. At the new screen the program will ask whether the computer we are
performing these steps on is the old or new one.

Select the computer you are on
Figure 5. Select the computer we are on

As you are doing this step on the new computer, you should click on the My
new computer option.
8. You will now see a screen asking if we have an Easy Transfer Cable or
need to use another method to transfer the data.

Do we have an easy transfer cable
Figure 6. Do we have an easy transfer cable?

Since these instructions are for using the Easy Transfer cable, select Yes,
I have an Easy Transfer Cable.
9. Your computer is now in a ready state waiting for the two computers to be
connected via the Easy Transfer Cable. An example of this screen is below.

Waiting for the other computer to connect
Figure 7. Waiting for the other computer to connect

For now, hold off on inserting the Easy Transfer Cable until you get the
older computer set up and ready to go. Let's move on to the steps that you
to do on the old computer.
list end

On our older computer:
List of 4 items
1. Insert the CD that came with the Easy Transfer Cable into the older

2. When the setup program starts you should click on the Next button.

3. Select I agree and press the Next button.

4. When the program is done installing you should click on the Finish
list end

On both our older computer and the new Vista computer:
List of 2 items
1. Take one end of the Easy Transfer Cable and plug it into the old
computer's USB port. If the older computer has a USB 2.0 port you should use
that port
in order to achieve the best transfer speeds.

2. Take the other end and plug it into the Vista computer's USB port.
list end

On the older computer:
List of 8 items
1. When you plug the cable into the older computer a small window will
appear asking if you would like to transfer files. Select the Take no action
and then press the OK button.

2. Click on the Start Menu, select All Programs, and finally click on the
Windows Easy Transfer icon.

3. When the Windows Easy Transfer welcome screen appears click on the Next

4. You will now be at a screen asking if we want to use an Easy Transfer
Cable to transfer the files.

Select Transfer Type
Figure 8. Select the transfer type

Click on the Use an Easy Transfer Cable (recommended) option.

Once we select that option, the Windows Easy Transfer program on both
computers will attempt to connect to each other. When they connect, you will
see a
screen like the following appear on the Vista machine.

Vista Detected the connection and is now waiting for the data to be
Figure 9. Vista detected the connection and is now waiting for the data to
be transferred

5. Now that a connection has been established, Windows Easy Transfer on the
older machine will automatically switch to a new window asking what data you
would like to transfer.

Data Transfer Options
Figure 10. Data transfer options

Select the All user accounts, files, and settings (Recommended) option.

6. A new screen will appear listing the programs, files, settings, mail
data, favorites, etc that will be moved over to the new computer. This data
is grouped
by user so you can easily see what user's data will be moved.

The Data that will be transferred
Figure 11. The data that will be transferred

If you are happy with the settings click on the Transfer button and proceed
to the next step in this guide. On the other hand if want to add files that
the program did not automatically select or remove files, click on the
Customize button. This will bring you to a new screen where you can
customize the
data that will be transferred.

Customize the Data that will be transferred
Figure 12. Customize the data that will be transferred

Using the Add files, Add folders, Select Drives, and Exclude folders
options, customize the data that will be transferred to the new computer. If
are files or folders that were not added automatically, use the Add files or
Add folders options to browse to this data so it is added. You can also
data from being transferred by removing the checkmark next to a specific
item in the list.

Once you have customized the data that will be transferred to the new
computer, click on the Next button to continue.

7. A new screen will appear that allows you to specify whether or not the
data should be transferred to an existing Vista account or if a new account
be created to transfer the data to.

Figure 13. Account to transfer the data

To specify a new account, type the login name that you would like created.
If you would like to use an existing account then use the drop down menu to
the account that will receive the data. If you create a new account, the
password of the old account is not transferred to the new computer. Instead
you log into that account for the first time, Vista will prompt you to set a
new password.

8. At this point the data will begin to transfer to the new computer.

Data is being transferred to the new computer
Figure 14. Data is being transferred to the new computer

Once the data transfer is complete you will see a screen similar to the one

The Data Transfer is Complete
Figure 15. The data transfer is complete

Because the data has finished transferring you should press the Close button
to shut down the program.
list end

On the new Vista computer:
List of 2 items
1. After the transfer has been completed you will be shown a summary screen
of the files that were transferred.

Transfer Summary
Figure 16. Transfer Summary

If you want to see all the information that was transferred you can click on
the Show me everything that was transferred option. When done, click on the
Close button to exit the program.

2. Vista will now ask you to log off in order to finish the transfer. Allow
it to log you off, and when you log back on, all your settings and data will
have been transferred to your existing account or the new account if one was
list end

Your data has now been successfully migrated to our new computer.

Using Windows Easy Transfer over a Network

By far the quickest and cheapest method to transfer your data is over a
network. For those of you who have a network set up this is definitely the
you should use. A lot of the steps described below have already been
discussed with screen shots in the previous section. Therefore, we have only
screen shots to this section when the screen is new to this tutorial.

On our new Vista computer:
List of 13 items
1. Click on the Start (
) button.

2. Click on the All Programs menu option.

3. Click on the Accessories menu option.

4. Click on the System tools menu option.

5. Finally click on the Windows Easy Transfer icon to start the program.

6. When the welcome screen appears click on the Next button to continue.

7. At this screen you will be prompted to start a new transfer or resume an
existing one. As you are performing a new transfer select the Start a new

8. You will now be asked what computer, the old or new, you are on. As you
are doing these instructions on the Vista computer, select the My new

9. Windows Easy Transfer will now ask how you would like to transfer the
data. As you are going to transfer the data over the network, and not via a
Transfer cable, select No, show me more options to continue to the next

10. At this screen select the Yes, I installed it option as you should have
already installed Windows Easy Transfer on your older computer.

11. On this screen the program asks if we want to transfer the data over the
network or using removable media.

Select the Transfer Type
Figure 17. Select the Transfer Type

You want to transfer the files over the network so select Yes, I'll transfer
files and settings over the network.

12. In order for the new Vista computer and the older computer to properly
connect and securely transfer files, you need to generate a security key.
Easy Transfer will use this key to find the new Vista computer and connect
securely to it. The screen, shown below, asks if you have an existing key or
need to create one.

Figure 18. Create a Windows Easy Transfer Network Key

As you do not currently have a Windows Easy Transfer key, you need to create
one. To do this click on the No, I need a key option.

13. Windows Easy Transfer will now create the security and display it to us
in the screen below.

Windows Easy Transfer Network Key
Figure 19. Windows Easy Transfer Network Key

Write down the key as you will need to input it on the older computer before
you can transfer data to the new machine. The program will now wait to be
to by the older computer.
list end

On the older computer:
List of 10 items
1. Click on our Start Menu, select All Programs, and finally click on the
Windows Easy Transfer icon.

2. When the Windows Easy Transfer welcome screen appears click on the Next

3. At the following screen, click on the Transfer directly, using a network
connection option.

4. When it asks how you would like to transfer the data over the network
select the option labeled Use a network connection.

5. You will now be asked whether or not you have a Windows Easy Transfer
key. That is the key you created on our Vista machine and wrote down. As you
the key select Yes, I have a key.

6. The program will now prompt you to input your Windows Easy Transfer key.
Type the key into the field labeled Type our Windows Easy Transfer key. When
you are done click on the Next button.

7. You are now presented with a screen asking what type of data you would
like to transfer. Select the All user accounts, files, and settings

8. A new screen will appear listing the programs, files, settings, mail
data, favorites, etc that will be moved over to the new computer. This data
is grouped
by user so you can easily see what user's data will be moved. If you are
happy with the settings click on the Transfer button and proceed to the next
in this guide. On the other hand if want to add files that the program did
not automatically select or remove files, click on the Customize button.
will bring you to a new screen where you can customize the data that will be

If you clicked on the Customize button you can use the Add files, Add
folders, Select Drives, and Exclude folders options, customize the data that
be transferred to the new computer. If there are files or folders that were
not added automatically, use the Add files or Add folders options to browse
to this data so it is added. You can also exclude data from being
transferred by from being transferred by removing the checkmark next to a
specific item
in the list.

Once you have customized the data that will be transferred to the new
computer, click on the Next button to continue to go to the next step.

9. A new screen will appear that allows you to specify whether or not the
data should be transferred to an existing Vista account or if a new account
be created to transfer the data to. To specify a new account, type the login
name that you would like created. If you would like to use an existing
then use the drop down menu to select the account that will receive the
data. If you create a new account, the password of the old account is not
to the new computer. Instead when you log into that account for the first
time, Vista will prompt you to set a new password.

10. At this point the data will be transferred to the new computer. Once the
transfer is complete, you should press the Close button to exit the program.
list end

On the new Vista computer:
List of 2 items
1. After the transfer has been completed you will be shown a summary screen
of the files that were transferred. If you want to see all the information
was transferred click on the Show me everything that was transferred option.
When done, click on the Close button to exit the program.

2. Vista will now ask you to log off in order to finish the transfer. Allow
it to log off, and when you log back on, all your settings and data will
been transferred to your existing account or to the new account if one was
list end

Your data has now been successfully migrated to the new computer.

Using Windows Easy Transfer with Removable Media

Windows Easy Transfer also has the ability to transfer our data using
removable media. This method is not suggested unless we are moving small
amounts of
data due to the limited capacities of removable media. As this method will
not be used too often we only provide brief instructions.

On the older computer:
List of 4 items
1. Start Windows Easy Transfer on the older computer and go through the
screens until it asks you how we would like to transfer the data. At this
we would select Use a CD, DVD, or other removable media.

2. You will now be at a screen where it asks you what removable media you
would like to use to transfer the data.

Remobable Media Choice
Figure 20. Removable Media Choice

You should now select the removable media type that you wish to use to
transfer the data. The CD and USB flash drive options will be dimmed and
unless the appropriate media is inserted into the computer. Therefore we
need blank media in the CD or DVD writer or a USB flash drive plugged into
computer for these options to be available.

3. Once you select the removable media that you will use, the program will
prompt you for the driver letter for this media. Select the drive letter and
press the Next button.

4. The program will start copying the data to the removable media. When it
is done you will be shown a screen stating that you should remove the media
insert it into the new Vista machine.

Remove the media
Figure 21. Remove the media

Remove the media.
list end

On the new Vista computer:
List of 5 items
1. Insert the removable media it into the new Vista machine.

2. Launch Windows Easy Transfer on the Vista machine and follow the prompts
until it asks if this is a new or existing transfer. As we are finishing an
existing transfer we select Continue a transfer in progress.

3. At the next screen when it asks what type of transfer you want to
continue, select Removable media.

4. When it asks for the location of our files, browse to the removable media
and then press the Next button.

5. Follow the rest of the prompts to finish migrating the data from your
removable media.
list end

Your data has now been transferred to your new computer.


As you can see the Windows Easy Transfer program provides a myriad of
mediums to transfer your data to your new computer. Not only that, but you
now have
the ability to easily move your e-mail, documents, and program settings
without hiring a consultant or having advanced computer skills. As always,
if we
want to learn more about, or discuss with our peers, the various features of
Windows Easy Transfer, then feel free to talk about it in our
Windows Vista forums.
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Created: 01/24/2007 

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