This is directly from the tips and tricks page.  I put it under the jaws 
heading.  I hope this is what you are after.
David Ferrin

Notes for those of you who use Microsoft Outlook. Also I would like to point 
out that the subject line sectione will work in Outlook Express as well.

Here's a little tutorial about how JAWS can exclude speaking list names in 
both the from field and the subject line using the dictionary manager.

This is for all you JAWS users. You know how when you get a message from an 
email list it says all that extra junk, like which list it's from and all 
Well, when you have emails going to individual folders in Outlook like me, 
all that information is unnecessary and can get quite annoying. So, I've 
a change in my dictionary manager to make my email life a little bit easier.

In Outlook, once in a message, shift tab until you get to the "From" field. 
Use control A to highlight the entire line and do a Control C to copy it to
the clipboard.

Then open your dictionary manager with Insert D. Tab to the Add button and 
press enter.

When you tab to the "actual word" edit field, make sure that it is clear. I 
do this by hitting Home, and then Control End, and then delete. Or you can 
look it over. It may already have the information you want to paste in the 
edit field. In that case, you won't need to paste. Otherwise, the next step
would be to paste with a Control V.

For example, you will be pasting the following:; on behalf of; Chris Feist [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now, this is important. What you'll want to do is arrow through that and 
take out the semicolons with the delete key. Otherwise, I've found that 
doing this
won't work.

Next, be sure you delete everything after the word "of", including the email 
address. Without this step, it will also not work.

So all that remains should be this: on behalf of

Next, Tab down once to the "replace" field. Hit the space bar once so to put 
a space in that edit field. Then tab down to OK and press enter.

Hit Control S to save and then Alt F4 out of the dictionary manager. Your 
changes should have taken effect.

And now what JAWS should read is Chris Feist [EMAIL PROTECTED] Voila! 
Now JAWS won't announce all that other junk. only who the email is from.

Since I know which folder I'm in I don't need to hear that other stuff. And 
if I really do, I can use the JAWS cursor to do so.

One more note. You can also utilize this with the subject line. You know how 
it says [jaws-users]? If you shift tab to the subject line, and then copy 
, you can also follow the above steps to stop JAWS from saying it. It will 
still be in the subject line, of course, but JAWS won't announce it unless 
go to it and use the arrow keys. You have to copy and paste [jaws-users] 
exactly, no more and no less for it to work.

Hope this will be to some use to someone. It has for me. And this can be 
reversed in the dictionary manager if you don't like the change.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Stansifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 5:40 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: Outlook Tips and Tricks

The problem I am having is, anytime I open new mail Jaws repeats message
address and subject information. Jaws will continue to echo this
information until I press either the Control or escape keys. Once I have
stopped the initial repeating of text Jaws will repeat the address and
subject line of each subsequent message as my cursor lands on it.
I hope this makes my question a little more clear.


Larry Stansifer

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Ferrin
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 3:24 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Re: Outlook Tips and Tricks

If I recall correctly your question in the first place was something
the headers being overly verbose.  Am I right on this or was it
else? I thought there was something up there on that subject but it
seems I
am in error.  No matter if that's it something can be done about it.
David Ferrin
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Stansifer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Outlook Tips and Tricks


Between the Outlook and Outlook express links this is as close as I
could come. 7. List of Settings to Make Outlook Express Work Well With
JAWS. The bad news is, I have already done everything on that list. I
guess my only recourse is to send the symptoms to "Freedom Scientific
and see what they don't have to say.


Larry Stansifer


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