Another great post from our research department on parental controls in 
windows vista.  This guy puts some real time in finding this stuff for sure.
David Ferrin

Setting up Windows Vista Parental Controls

Table of Contents
List of 9 items
1. Introduction
2. Welcome to Windows Vista Parental Controls
3. Configuring the Windows Vista Web Filter
4. Configuring time restrictions
5. Configuring Game Restrictions
6. Configuring what programs are allowed or are blocked
7. How to create a custom Web Allow Block List
8. Advanced Information
9. Conclusion
list end

With the launch of Windows Vista, Microsoft has introduced a new security
feature called Windows Parental Controls. Windows Parental Controls allows a
to configure, on a per user basis, various restrictions on what that user
can do on the computer. These settings range from blocking websites to
what games they can play. Having access to these types of controls allows a
parent to feel comfortable with their children using a computer and at the
same time gives them the flexibility to customize these settings to their
specific needs.

It is important to note that not all programs are compatible with Windows
Parental Controls. In order for Windows Parental Controls to properly
and control certain activities on the computer, the application must be
compatible with this new service. For the most part, most of the settings
can be
enforced across all applications, but it is important to test these controls
using the applications that your users will be using. This way you know for
sure that any restriction you put into place can be enforced. It is also
important to note that Windows Parental Controls can only be assigned to a
User, which is a user with limited rights on the computer, and cannot be
assigned to accounts that are configured as an Administrator. This is so a
cannot remove restrictions placed on them.

One of the more powerful features of this new service is that you will be
able to view reports of the activity for each user that you have configured
Controls. The information you see will be determined by whether or not the
user is using applications that are compatible with Windows Parental
Assuming that all the applications are compatible you will be able to
monitor the following activity.
List of 10 items
. Most recent websites blocked.
. Attempts to visit sites that have been specifically blocked or allowed.
. What files were downloaded.
. What file downloads were blocked.
. When the user logged on.
. What programs they have run.
. Emails sent and received
. Instant Messages sent and received.
. What games were played.
. What media such as movies and videos were played.
list end

In this guide we will go into detail on how to use Windows Parental Controls
to restrict a user's activity. If you read through this guide, at the end
will know all that you need to know about Windows Parental Controls and how
to use them to provide a safe computing environment for your children.

Welcome to Windows Vista Parental Controls

In order to access and start using the Vista Parental Controls you need to
log onto to your computer using an account that is an administrator. Once
in you should do the following:
List of 3 items
1. Click on the Start (
) button.

2. In the Start Menu Search Box (
) type Parental Controls and press enter on your keyboard.

3. A User Account Control prompt will appear asking if you would like to
continue. Click on the Continue button to proceed with opening the Parental
list end

You will now be at the Vista Parental Controls welcome screen. This screen
is the main launching pad for setting the global Parental Controls options
well as configuring Parental Controls for the Standard Users on your
computer. From this screen you can create a new Standard User account,
configure existing
user's Parental Controls settings, configure the global game rating system,
and set some other basic global settings.

The Main Vista Parental Controls Screen
Figure 1. The Main Vista Parental Controls Screen

The first option we will explore is to create a new Standard User account
that you can assign Parental Controls to. You can do this by clicking on the
a new user account option which will bring up a screen that enables you to
create a new account as shown below.

Create a new account
Figure 3. Create a new account

In this screen you would type the login name for the new user account that
you would like to create. We also suggest that you leave the option labeled
must set password at next logon checked so that when the user logs on for
the first time they will be prompted for a new password enabling them to
their password private. When you are ready to create the user, you would
click on the Create Account button to finish the creation process. You would
be brought to the Parental Controls page for that particular user. We will
go into more detail about setting user controls later in the tutorial so
press the OK button to get back to the welcome screen..

The first global setting you can modify from the main welcome screen is the
games rating system that will be used for all Parental Controls enabled
To view or modify your current setting you should on the Select a games
ratings system option.

Global game rating systems setting
Figure 4. Global game rating systems setting

It is advised that you stick with the Entertainment Software Rating Board,
ESRB, rating system as your default but feel free to choose another if you
Once you are finished selecting the rating system, or keeping the current
one, press the OK button to exit this screen and go back to the welcome

This brings us to the next set of global settings, the Family Safety
Options. By clicking on Family Safety Options you will be brought to a page
that contains
two global settings.

Family Safety Options
Figure 4. Family Safety Options

The first option is labeled How often would you like to be reminded to read
activity reports. This option allows you to specify how often you should be
reminded that there are Parental Controls activity reports available to be
viewed. You will see these reminders when you log into an administrator
An example of this alert is below.

Activity Report Reminder
Figure 5. Activity Report Reminder

The second option labeled Reset the Web Content filter to be the Windows
Vista Web Content Filter allows you to configure Vista to use the built-in
filter rather than a 3rd party software that you may have installed. If you
had installed another web content filtering software and would like to reset
it back to using the Vista one, you can click on the Reset button. When you
are done configuring these options you should press the OK button to get
to the main welcome screen.

Now that we have explored the main welcome screen, lets dig down into
configuring the Parental Controls for the individual users on your computer.
To start
this process you simply need to click on a Standard User listed in the
welcome screen. As said previously, you can only enable Parental Controls on
account that is a Standard User. If you attempt to add Parental Controls to
an administrator you will instead receive the following message.

Cannot apply to an administrator
Figure 6. Cannot apply controls to an administrator

Once you click on a Standard User account you will be brought to the User
Controls screen where you can view the users activity log, enable or disable
Controls, and fine tune the various Parental Controls for this particular
user. If the user that you are configure Parental Controls for is currently
on you will receive a warning stating that the new settings may not go into
affect until the user logs off and back on.

User Controls Screen
Figure 7. User Controls Screen

On the left hand side of the screen are the various options that you can
configure for this user. These settings will be disabled if Parental
Controls is
not turned on for this user. On the right hand side of the screen you will
find a summary of the user's currently configured controls as well as have
ability to view the user's activity reports by clicking on the View activity
reports option.

Let us start by enabling the Parental Controls for this particular user. To
do that you would select the option labeled On, enforce current settings.
this option is selected you will now have access to the other settings on
this screen. It is important to note that once you select this option,
restrictions will go into place. These default restrictions are described
below. We then suggest that you enable the option under the Activity
category labeled On, collect information about computer usage. With this
option enabled, Vista will log to the user's activity report their activity
the computer.

Now that you have enabled Parental Controls for this user, the following
options will become available under the Windows Settings category.
Definition list of 4 items (contains 1 nested list)
Definition list of 4 items nesting level 1
Windows Vista Web Filter = This section allow you to controls the sites the
user is allowed to visit, whether or not they can download files, and the
of web site content they can view.
Time Limits = This section allows you to specify the specific times that the
user is allowed to use the computer.
Games = This section allows you to specify what games are allowed to be
played on this computer based on their rating, content or title.
Allow and Block Specific Programs = This section allows you to specify
programs that a user can or cannot use.
list end nesting level 1
list end

Each of the above settings is discussed in greater detail in their own
sections below. Let's move on to the first of these four sections and learn
the Windows Vista Web Filter.

Configuring the Windows Vista Web Filter

If you select the Windows Vista Web Filter option you will be brought to the
Web Restrictions screen shown below. At this screen you have a variety of
options that enable you to control what sites the user can visit.

Web Restrictions Page
Figure 8. Web Restrictions Page

By default, when you enable Parental Controls on an account Web Restrictions
are automatically enabled and the Block some websites or content option will
be selected. To disable restrictions select the Allow all websites and
content option. When web restrictions are enabled, Vista will automatically
your restriction level, which can be set under the Block web content
automatically category, to Medium. If the medium setting is too relaxed or
too strict
you can modify it one of the following settings:
Block quote start

Custom - If you select this category you will be brought to a new screen
where you can select the specific site categories that you would like to
this user from visiting.

Custom Content Filtering Level
Figure 9. Custom Content Filtering Level

None - There will not be any web content restrictions on the sites this user

Medium - This level will block unratable content and content that fits in
the following categories: mature content, pornography, drugs, hate speech,

High - Block all websites except those approved for children.
Block quote end

It is important to note when using web restrictions that these settings may
not block every site that fits these categories due to the fact that what
people find objective others do not. The restrictions will, though, be able
to block a large amount of sites that fall under the particular category.
a user attempts to visit a site blocked by Parental Controls, the user will
see a screen in Internet Explorer, or another browser, similar to the one

Site blocked by Parental Controls
Figure 10. Site blocked by Parental Controls

If the user knows the administrator password then they can click on the Ask
administrator for permission link in the blocked site's message. They will
be prompted to enter the administrator's login information to unblock the

Under the Block web content automatically category is another option labeled
Block file downloads. If you enable this option then the user will not be
to download files through Internet Explorer. When using this feature, it is
fairly easy to circumvent it as not all browsers are blocked. For example
Internet Explorer is able to block downloads, users of Firefox will have no
problems downloading anything. Therefore you should not rely on these
entirely, but rather test them with the various applications your users will
be using. When Parental Controls blocks a download it will show an alert
to the one below.

Download blocked by Parental Controls
Figure 11. Download blocked by Parental Controls

The last category under web restrictions is Allow and block specific sites.
This section allows you to specify specific sites that you want to deny or
the user to visit. When adding sites to the block or allow list they
override any restrictions based on the sites content that were configured
In this way you can use this section to fine tune the content filters based
on a specific site. To configure this setting click on the Edit the Allow
block list option. This will bring you to the Allow Block Webpages screen as
shown below.

Allow Block Webpages Screen
Figure 12. Allow Block Webpages Screen

At this screen you can enter specific URLs, with only http:// URLs currently
being supported, into the Website address: field and then either press the
Allow or Block button. If you press the Allow button it will add that URL
into the allow list and the site will always be accessible by the user. If
add it to the block list then the user will not be allowed to access it.
When adding URLs to these lists, any URL in the allow list overrides the
URL, or a more general URL, in the block list. For example, if you add the
broad and general URL,, to the block list it would
every page that started with Now if you added a
more specific URL for that domain,, to
allow list, that one URL would be accessible overriding the block list.

If you really want to harden the system so that almost no sites can be
accessed you can put a checkmark in the Only Allow websites which are on the
list checkbox. With this checked only URLs that you enter into the allow
category will be able to be visited. It is strongly suggested that you do
select this option, as you will be seriously curtailing the amount of useful
sites available on the web.

Last but not least, you also have the ability to export and import your
Allow and Block lists to a file. This is useful if you want to use the same
on a different computer or if you have compiled a really good list and want
to share it with your friends. If you want to save your Allow and Block list
to a file you would click on the Export button. This will bring up a prompt
where you give your list a name and then save it in the folder of your
If you would like to import a list, you would click on the Import button and
browse to the Web Allow Block Lists file that you would like to import. We
will go into more detail about these types of files later in the tutorial.
When you are done configuring the Allow and Block lists, press the OK button
to save your settings.

That covers the configuration of the Windows Vista Web Filter for this user.
Press the OK button again to get back to the main User Controls screen so we
can configure this the time restrictions for this user.

Configuring time restrictions

When you select the Time Limits option in the Users Controls you will be
brought to a screen where you can specify the hours that the user is allowed
use the computer.

Time Restrictions
Figure 13. Time Restrictions

By default a user can logon to and use the computer at any time in the day.
If you want to limit when they can use the computer you can specify using
screen the specific times they can log on. The hours are represented as
individual boxes, where each box represents a specific hour on a specific
If you click on a box, it turns it blue which means the user cannot log on
to the computer at that particular time. To remove this restriction you
need to click once again on the same box so it becomes white. You are also
able to select multiple time restrictions at the same time. To do this left
click on a box and while holding down the left mouse button, drag the
pointer over the time boxes that you would like to restrict. As you
highlight each
box it will turn blue and block the user from logging on during that time

When a user attempts to log on to the computer when they are restricted they
will receive the error shown below.

User is restricted from logging on to the computer
Figure 14. User is restricted from logging on to the computer

Once you have finished configuring the time restrictions for this particular
user, you can save these restrictions by clicking on the OK button. This
bring you back to the main User Controls screen where we will now configure
what types of games the user can play.

Configuring Game Restrictions

When you select the Games option in the Users Controls screen you will be
brought to the Game Restrictions screen where you can control whether or not
user can play games and what type of games can be played.

Game Controls Screen
Figure 15. Game Controls Screen

By default all users with Parental Controls can play games of any content
level. To disable access to games you can select No under the Can username
games? category. If you want to allow this user to play games, you can
specify the maximum content rating of a game that the user can play, by
on the Set game ratings option.

Game Restrictions
Figure 16. Game Restrictions

>From this screen you can specify whether or not the user can play games that
are not rated as well as specify the maximum content rating of a game that
a user can play. When games are created they are given a rating similar to a
movie rating so that a parent can determine if the game is appropriate for
a child's age. Depending on what you feel is best for your child; select the
rating of the games that your child can play. When selecting a rating it is
important to remember that the user can play games up to and including the
rating you select. Some games, for whatever reason, may not have a rating.
you want to block these types of games from being played you can select the
Block games with no rating option. If you don't mind that the user will play
games with no rating you should instead select the Allow games with no
rating option.

To further filter games you can also select various game content that you
would like a user not to be able to play. Examples of content that you can
are blood, alcohol reference, drug reference, nudity, etc. These settings
will override any game ratings that you select, so if you specify that you
not want the user to play games with cursing, but you allow a game rating
that allows for that, the games with cursing will still not be allowed. When
you are done configuring this section you would click on the OK button to
save your changes.

You will now be back at the main Game Controls screen. From this screen we
will configure the last available setting, which is for allowing or blocking
specific games. By clicking on the Block or Allow specific games option you
will come to the Game Overrides screen.

Game Overrides Screen
Figure 17. Game Overrides Screen

At this screen you can specify whether or not a game can be played on a per
game basis. There are three options next to each game title. The first
is User Rating Setting, which will block the game based on the Parental
Controls settings previously set. The Always Allow or Always Block settings
override the other Parental Controls settings and allow access to the game
based on the choice in this screen.

When you are done configuring this screen, you can press the OK button to
save your changes and bring you back to the main Game Controls screen. Now
we are done configuring game settings, we would press the OK button again to
exit back to the User Controls screen.

Configuring what programs are allowed or are blocked

We are now at the User Controls screen and there is one last section that we
have not explored. When you click on the Allow and Block Specific Programs
option you will be brought to a screen asking if the user can use all
programs or only ones that you allow. If you want the user to be able to use
of the programs on the computer you should press the Cancel button to exit
this screen. Otherwise select the Username can only use the programs I allow
option and Vista will scan your computer for programs and then display them
in a list as shown below.

Application Restrictions
Figure 18. Application Restrictions

You can now pick and choose the specific programs that you wish to allow the
user to use. To allow a program to be used, simply put a checkmark in the
next to the programs name. If there is a program that is missing from the
list, and you would like the user to have access to it, you can click on the
Browse button and browse to the executable. When the executable is added it
will automatically be checked. You can also select the Check All button to
allow all the programs or the Uncheck All button to disallow all of the
listed programs. When you are done selecting the programs you want to permit
to, click on the OK button to save these settings and bring you back to the
User Controls screen.

Congratulations! You have now completed setting up Parental Controls for
this user. As this was the last group of settings to configure for this
user, you
can now press the OK button to get back to the main Parental Controls
welcome screen. You can now configure Parental Controls for any other users
on your
computer, or close the screen to finish this process. In the next sections
we will go over some advanced material about Parental Controls. If you have
no need for this material, then you can skip to the

How to create a custom Web Allow Block Lists file

The Windows
Vista Web Filter
allows you to export and import lists of sites that you would like to allow
or block for a particular user. These lists of sites are stored in a file
a Web Allow Block Lists file. These files are text files that have the
extension of .WebAllowBlockList and contain a list of URLs. The URLs are
in a particular way so that the Vista Web Filter knows whether or not they
should be added to the Allow or Block lists. Below we describe the format of
the file so that you can make your own Web Allow Block Lists files.

The contents of all Web Allow Block Lists files start with the tag and end
with the tag. In between these two tags are URL statements using the
Block quote start
Block quote end

The value of the AllowBlock variable, represented by X, can either be the
number 1 or the number 2. If you specify the value of AllowBlock to be 1
the Web Filter will add that URL into the Allow list. On the other hand if
you specify the value of the AllowBlock to be 2 then the Web Filter will add
that URL into the Block list. It is also important to note that when you add
URLs to the list, you can only add URLs that start with http://. Below are
some example URL statements:
Block quote start would allow all pages that start with to be accessible. would block access to the specific URL
Block quote end

You can list as many URL statements as you wish as long as you use the
syntax shown above and as long as they are in between the opening and the
tags. An example Web Allow Block Lists file can be found below so that you
can see the format used.
Block quote start
Block quote end

One frustrating issue when making a Block Lists file is that certain
legitimate types of http:// URLs are not permissable in a Web Allow Block
Lists file
which makes it difficult to automate the conversion of existing lists of
unwanted sites to this new format. The first is that you cannot use a &,
in an URL. So an URL that looks like the following is not allowed:
Block quote start
Block quote end

When trying to import urls that contain an &, you will get an error message
stating the import failed. One last caveat, which is not necessarily a
is that the import process will strip off the first GET variable in an URL
so that it is only the specific page, without arguments, that gets added to
the lists. Let's look at the following URLs list as an example:
Block quote start
Block quote end

Both URLs are legitimate and both may perform differently when you visit
them, but when you import this list, you will be notified that the URLs are
the importer will strip off the arguments, and you will only be left with
the single URL,, in your block list. I
that they are doing this so that you have a more general URL to block, but I
find it strange that the import process is fine with the first variable
by a ?, but has problems with further arguments specified with an &.

Advanced Information

In this section we will touch on some advanced information as to the inner
workings of Parental Controls. The configuration settings for the Parental
are stored in the following Windows Registry key:
Block quote start

Block quote end

Under that key are a variety of global settings, exemption lists, and the
per user settings. For each user that has Parental Controls there is a
named for their SID, or Security Identifier, under the following key:
Block quote start

Block quote end

Under the SID subkey you will find all the settings that were configured for
the user. An interesting subkey is the Web\Overrides subkey, which contains
the Web Filter overrides.
Block quote start

Block quote end

Each value name is the particular URL in our block or allow list and the
data of that value is either the number 1 or 2, with 1 meaning the URL is
and 2 meaning it is blocked. These settings are obviously only accessible by
an Administrator so we do not have to worry about malware running under a
standard user's account modifying this information.

According to a
blog post
by David Bennet, a developer on the Windows Parental Controls team, there
are four different exclusion lists, in two categories, for Parental
These lists contain URLs and programs that are white listed so that they
cannot be blocked or filtered. The first category of white lists are for
added to the list by programs so that they can update themselves, retrieve
help information, or activate their products. These program writable lists
the HttpExemptionList and the UrlExemptionList. They are found at the
following Registry keys:
Block quote start


Block quote end
HTTPExemptions are a list of programs that are can't be blocked from
accessing the HTTP protocol and URLExemptions are urls that can't be blocked
by the
Vista Web Filter. Below are default exemptions for a Vista Ultimate
Block quote start

C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmprph.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpnscfg.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmlaunch.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpenc.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpsideshowgadget.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpnetwk.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpshare.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Wmpconfig.exe

Block quote end

The second type of white list is read-only and is a list of Windows programs
and URLs that are required for proper Windows functionality. These entries
cannot be added or removed by standard means and will most likely only be
altered via future Windows updates. The Registry keys associated with these
lists are:
Block quote start


Block quote end

WinHTTPExemptions are a list of programs that are can't be blocked from
accessing the HTTP protocol and WinURLExemptions are urls that can't be
by the Vista Web Filter. Below are default exemptions for a Vista Ultimate
Block quote start


Block quote end


Now that you understand how to use Vista's Window Parental Controls, it is
possible to create a safe and productive environment for the children in
household. It is particularly comforting knowing that the Windows Parental
Controls team envisioned that what one parent may find offensive, another
not, and thus provided us a set of tools that we can customize to fit our
own requirements.

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