I didn't hear a sound in the message here.
Could it be that you have somehow assigned a sound in the Jaws dictionary
manager for that word?

Denny Huff

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Boodram
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 8:46 PM
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Popping Sound In JAWSFw: [BlindHandyMan]
CycloneConditions Here

Hi here's the e-mail. The sound is in the fifth paragraph of this message,
somewhere near the word power.
Phone: 1-868-636-3519
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----- Original Message -----
From: William Stephan
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:01 PM
Subject: RE: [BlindHandyMan] Cyclone Conditions Here


Here in Western Missouri, we have some weather-related potential disasters.
We do sometimes get significant snow and wind, though unless you're caught
out in it, it's more of a major inconvenience than a true disaster. Where I
live, everybody gets occasional basement flooding, but again, these houses
were built basically to withstand that, mine for instance has a five inch
differential between the height of the floor at the basement walls and the

The things we really have to think about are tornados and ice storms. If you
get hit by a tornado, there's going to be significant devastation it's true,
but by definition, it tends to be pretty spotty, so places like Greensburg
notwithstanding, generally infrastructure is going to be in tact.

Ice storms though, can cover a widespread area, so not only will you perhaps
have no electricity, but you might not be able even to find a hotel room
within several miles of where you live.

So, a generator is probably a wise investment here.

When my wife and I bought the place, we were pretty flush with cash, and
thought about buying a serious generator, i.e. one that automatically tests
itself, starts automatically on power interruption etc. But, the price tag
on one of those is a deal breaker.

We've not had a power failure of any duration here for several years, so
we're probably due for one.

I think if I could find something in say a 5kw size, I might buy it. The

We have an old and more or less unused garage we share with a neighbor, and
I think I could cut a vent to exhaust the fumes. I would probably just back
feed through an outside outlet and be careful about what we ran. 

One of the things that's kept me from doing this is that I don't like the
idea of storing gasoline in large enough quantities to run a generator for a
couple days. Since my wife and I don't drive, this presents a bit of a

I don't really mind maintaining equipment, but the sole purpose of this
generator would be as a hedge against a possible weather event, so I waffle
as to whether or not I think the work and expense is really worthwhile.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Lee A. Stone
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [BlindHandyMan] Cyclone Conditions Here

I ap9ologize for being late on responses but. Ray this is right on topic in
my iopinion for this list. Brother Geno tried to get some awareness a year
ago either on this list or blind like me. are we as blind handy men or
handywomen ready for any sort of massive situation like Ray described in
this post or something like Katrina which hit the USA coast lines in 2006.
?? I know there is no way of being prepared for everything but this subject
came up on so many lists just after 911 which Hit Manhattan. . I happen to
live in the Northeast part of the USA as many of you know and yes storms hit
here too. My question to the list, beginning with those who have hundreds or
maybe thousands tied up in supplies like power saws or nice cars or trucks .
are you really prepared? at one time I could have said yes to all my
questions but basically in this house we are ready again, but not always for
power outages because of a very large generator. so lets start there. will
everyone on the list run out and buy and then maintain a generator? I think
not as it is niot really a budget item. but besides that. is your family
aware, are you aware as to where you can go tomorrow , shoiuld a disaster
hit your area. forget the big costs of something but are you really prepared
as best you can for that sudden change in weather or related things which
can turn your life upside down?Lee

Beware of computerized fortune-tellers!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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