Hi All,
I finally have a good lead on the problem of jaws losing voice. The problem 
very randomly occurs where jaws volume drops to about 1 or 2 per cent is very 
tinny and is only out of one speaker.
I had suspected spyware interfering but now have a totally different thought.
After talking to a friend who owns a computer repair shop, I now believe that 
is a hardware problem.
The next time it happens he wants me to lightly tap the sound card. In the mean 
time I think I will activate the on board sound card and dedicate it to jaws.
It may also be a mother board problem but the sound card is suspected.
The reason spyware was perceived to be the culprit was that after running 
spybot and the like the problem would go away. 
This intermittent problem has been driving me crazy for a few months, and for 
me it is a very short trip.
Lenny http://www.geocities.com/lenny_mchugh/
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