Hi all,,

    In addition to not saying "Unread," JAWS 7.1 was also not saying 
"Attachment" in the resulting message list view after doing an 
Advanced Find
(Control-Shift-F) in OE 6 so I decided to try to manually label 
graphics to see if it solved the problem.

    I got JFW to say checked and unchecked after Advanced Find which 
it wasn't doing and the state of the items is correct.  I got it to 
speak "Attachment" when there was one after doing a Control-Shift-F. 
However, I pressed my luck and thought I had figured out that graphic 
22 was supposed to be Unread and labeled it"Unread."  A test 
determined that I blew that one and it did not make JAWS say "Unread" 
in the resulting message list view.  JAWS was saying "Unread" when I 
routed JAWS to PC in the resulting message list view and I tried 
getting it to say "graphic 22" again and I was successful.  I haven't 
been able to figure out what graphic 22 is and sighted assistance is 
not available.

    JAWS is correctly speaking the number of unread items when I do an 
Insert-pg down after Control-shift-F, gut it worked properly in JFW 7 
and previous versions of JAWS as did the speaking of "Attachment."

I remember that, for some reason, Advanced Find is somehow considered
to be part of XP Home and is not really part of OE or at least that
was the way it was with Win 98.  At any rate I seem to be having to
configure things like muting the escape key again after hitting
Control-Shift-F after I've already done them in OE.

    I did back up the more than one thousand files in shared files and 
was thinking that I could replace whatever file has the labeled 
graphics in Advanced Find with the original, but I don't know if which 
one it is or if it would even work.

    I'm running XP Home and IE 6.

    Any help in not having to uninstall and re-install 7.1 would be 
appreciated.  I've lost count of the number of times I've already done 

    Thank you,


Previously, I wrote:

Hi All,

    I'm trying to get JAWS 7.1 to my liking and have run into some of
the same problems I had with Advanced Find in Outlook Express 6
(Control-Shift-F) as I had when I originally installed it.

    One is that the number of unread messages resulting from the
search is
correctly announced with Insert-pg down, but JAWS does not announce
"Unread" in the message list view.  This worked properly in 7.0 here.
I remember that, for some reason, Advanced Find is somehow considered
to be part of XP Home and is not really part of OE or at least that
was the way it was with Win 98.  At any rate I seem to be having to
configure things like muting the escape key again after hitting
Control-Shift-F after I've already done them in OE.

    The OS is XP Home with SP 2.

    Any help in getting "Unread" in the message list view after doing
the Advanced Find command would be appreciated.



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