Very good, thank you for this information. 

Denny Huff
(636) 262-1383
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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joseph Lee
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] XP versus Vista

Hi David,
I'll happy to explain this situation for you:
First of all, I'd like to inform that I've done a podcast on this very
matter (Dual Core processors) located at Blind Cool Tech website (for more
info, check it out).
In terms of operating system, I'd say that "it depends." I agree that Vista
supports dual core (and even quad core) processors better than XP, but XP is
as stable as Vista when you have dual core CPU.  I personally use a Windows
Vista laptop with Core Solo processor (a dual core processor that has one
core disabled) with JAWS 8.0.2173.  Also, in terms of JAWS, XP might be
useful, since FS supports Vista from JAWS 8.0.1163 onwards (earlier versions
of JAWS such as 7.0.135 will not work under Vista).  So the question is
this: if you have JAWS 8.0.2173 or later and if you are forced to use Vista,
then that'll be it.  If you have JAWS 8.0.423 or earlier, use XP.  But since
you indicated that you're planning to use XP instead of Vista, then any
version of JAWS (specifically JAWS 4.5 or later should support XP) should
In terms of processor speed, I know what you are talking about, except that
it is "the other way around." Dual core processors runs much faster than
single core counterparts.  Let us now imagine a scienario with two
computers.  Both have XP and both have Intel CPU's.  One computer has Intel
Pentium 4 at 3.2 GHz and the other has Intel Core II duo at 1.86 GHz.  From
a casual view, one concludes that Computer a performs much faster than
Computer b.  No, it is the other way around: Computer b runs faster than
Computer a because of the following: Since Dual Core processors have two CPU
cores on the unit, it can run twice more processes/programs at once as
opposed to single core which can only concentrate on one task.  This is
useful especially if you run JAWS and other tasks, since one core can deal
with jfw.exe while the other core can deal with another process that JAWS is
currently on focus such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, and so forth.
So you can think of dual core processors as "a CPU with two processor
cores).  Even though the speed seems to be slow at first glance, it is
extremely fast, especially for program like JAWS which uses vast amount of
processing power.
Since this is a mailing list for a specific product, I won't go into my own
stats for CPU and so forth (this kind of question is best suited in a list
like Blind Computing).

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "David Griffith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To: <
>Date sent: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:05:38 +0100
>Subject: [JAWS-Users] XP versus Vista

>Dear List

>I am to be supplied with a  new PC to assist with my studies.

>I currently have a Pentium 3.06 with 1 GB Ram running XP  Pro and
Jaws 8.
>This is 6 years old and has become very unstable despite a number
>attempted software and hardware remedies so I am getting a new

>I am to be supplied with a 1.8 g dual core processor with2 GB of 
ram as a
>replacement.  The assessment specifies that  Vista be removed and 
that XP be
>installed in the belief that Jaws will work better with this 

>I am happy to use XP but do the list agree with this? Will Vista 
support the
>dual core processor better for example? I am slightly concerned 
about the
>apparent fall in processor speed on what I have already so if 
Vista supports
>dual core better this may be an issue.  I am not aware of any 
features in
>Vista that will be of particular interest to a Jaws user apart 
from this.

>Thanks for any feedback.



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