Dear Steve 

Thanks for this. You are right  for this search on Milton and I found the
appropriate accessible links on the "featured books" on the Google Books
Search page also.

However I now realise that this is far from a universal service from Google.
For example,  I searched under Deviance as this is an area I had recently
studied.  Lots of results came up but none of the first 7 books I tried had
the accessible screen reader link and would only provide the text in images.

The reason I was confused before was I believed this to be universally
implemented by Google.  However they have clearly decided on a partial
implementation for the time being. I suppose we should be glad that they are
doing anything but you would think that whilst they are scanning they could
do the OCR on the fly?

Thanks again.


David Griffith

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Griffiths,
Sent: Thursday, 13 December 2007 11:14
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Google Books


I haven't read the article, but I have found the link. I did a search in
Google Books for Milton, then chose Paradise Lost: A poem in twelve books
from the search results. When the page loaded, there was a graphic link at
the top called Accessible Version for Screenreader users; it's the first
line of the page and also appears in the links list. I didn't have to go to
full screen mode to get the link. When I pressed the link, another page
loaded and I pressed N twice to get to "graphic page chrome"; the OCR
version of the page appeared between this and another "graphic page chrome"
which signified the end of that page. The next page link has an access key
of Alt + N.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Griffith
Sent: 12 December 2007 23:23
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Google Books

Dear List 

I have just read an article on an attempt to make Google Books accessible to
Jaws. Allegedly there is a "hidden" link available to Jaws users which will
enable them to access an OCR text version of the images of pages normally
inaccessible to us.

This OCR link is apparently only available when you put Google Books into
full view mode. There is a link for this which I found by using Control F
and searching for full. This link did not appear in Links list or as a
button but worked when I pressed enter on it.

However I could not find a hidden OCR link. Has anybody else been able to
find this and make it work?

The article I was reading was at


David Griffith

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