It has come to my attention that the problem with the server is due to a Unix 
virus, and unfortunately I have no idea at all exactly when this is going to be 
resolved. This is why I completely stripped everything off of the server so 
nobody would have access to it at all. I was given the impression that safety 
precautions were always being employed but it doesn't seem that way. 

What this means for those of you out there is please keep your security 
software up to date and run a complete system scan just as soon as possible. 
I'm going to once again move the home page along with both mailing lists to 
another provider probably starting the process tonight some time. The lists 
will most likely be down for the rest of the week if not a bit longer I don't 
know for sure. Remember those of you who were with me through the last move I 
had a devil of a time configuring the Mailman program. Granted it isn't all new 
to me, but it is a tedious peace of goods to work with. If you wish to remain 
subscribed and just come along for the ride then simply do nothing and I'll 
bring you with me. If you wish to jump ship then obviously that's your right 
and I wouldn't blame you. This certainly upsets me because in my opinion this 
hurts my creditability even though none of this is my fault. I reloaded my own 
computer twice this month thinking it was coming from here, but as it turns out 
that isn't the case. So after I send this out I'm turning off the lists for 
everybody's protection. 
David Ferrin
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