Hi All,

 I know of someone that is attempting to teach Jaws & the computer to a 
 that has only 1 arm.  I've done some searches for 1 handed keyboards, but I
 really don't know what to look for.  Does anyone have any, or know of any
 information that I can pass along to this teacher, so she can get this
 little one going on the right path?!  I've heard somewhere that it's
 possible to make a standard QWERTY keyboard swap, so that when after
 invoking a keystroke the letters swap sides, so to speak.  So that if you
 are typing from the QWERTY side, then you invoke this keystroke, you're 
 typing the letters from the other side of the keyboard.  All help & input
 will be greatly appreciated!  Come on folks lets get this little one going
 on the right path!  Thank y'all very much.
 Take care.
 Sent from my iBarstool. 
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