Hello everyone

I will try this one more time.

When I go to delete the items in my delete box there is no sound to let me
know that it is being deleted.

How can I have Jaws announce" are you sure you want to delete these items
from the delete box?"

It says this on my lap top but not on my desk top.

It use to till I had issues with my e-Mail but now I am back, so it seems
but now without jaws announceing this item.

I do not want  it to announce this upon closeing outlook, just when I am in
the in the delte box.

I hope this makes sense.





There is speaking grace. Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech be always
with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer
every man."

~Blessings, Sugar


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