Thank you David.

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 17:18:28 -0400, you wrote:

>Here's what I just wrote to the nice people at grisoft, with luck I'll receive 
>an answer in the near future. 
>David Ferrin
>Hello, I am a current internet security 7.5 customer and here is my license to 
>prove it. 
>You didn't really think I would leave my license in here now did you? 
>I'm contacting you to enquire if the current version of internet security is 
>going to continue or be phased out instead. I use a screen reader and am told 
>that your version 8 software is not accessible with my software like the 
>version I am currently using. So if this program is going to be continued I 
>will renew my license for another 2 years in July, if not then I will need to 
>search for another security alternative to protect my computer. This 
>discussion has been raised on the mailing list I manage that consists of over 
>500 people like myself with similar needs of assistive technology. I like what 
>I have right now, but like I said if it is going to go away I need to know 
>that so I can make my fellow screen reader users aware of it as well. 
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