What a beautiful service! I started reading through it this morning, but had 
visitors and then took a nap so that I would be OK for tonight. I love how the 
Jewish Passover flows over into our Lord's last supper. How I love the Saviour! 
die on the cross tomorrow" and "Did Jesus eat a lot the night before?" and "I 
wouldn't have forgiven them", referring to the soldiers and those who sentenced 
him to death. I know that they sound like irreverent comments, but my Dad 
really does respect my faith, and often, his humour is what he uses when he's 
either uncomfortable with those or feeling a deep emotion. Erika will verify 
this because she knows him well. Can you please pray especially, this Easter, 
that Our Lord and Saviour will give him a new understand of what His 
crucifixion really means for him personally, and for us as a family? I am 
praying that Dad will make that last remark again and that God will give me the 
words to explain that the whole point of Jesus' death was to forgive all 
mankind of our sins. But, having never been to church as a boy, theology is not 
one of my Dad's strong points. I believe only the Holy Spirit can speak to him 
in a language that his heart will really understand. 

Anyway, I'm just about to feed Ellis and get in the shower. Look forward to 
seeing you tonight.

Your sister in Christ

TODAY, dad, who is not a believer and has the same black sense of humour as me, 
 kept saying to me like: "I bet Jesus wasn't feeling that great today, knowing 
he was going 

----- Original Message -----
From: Judy  <bunchkinb...@sbcglobal.net>
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Date: Saturday, 8 April 2017 8:20 am
Subject: [JAWS-Users] flexible website

> What were the keystrokes for the flexible website to change things around? I
> thought I saved it, but of course I didn't. Thanks. Judy & Libby
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