Here is the details. Note that you this only works with books that have "Enhanced Typesetting".
Amazon Kindle App Support JAWS now supports reading books in Amazon's Kindle for PC app version 1.19 and later, eliminating the need for users to have to install a special Kindle for PC with Accessibility Plugin. This enables users to access books purchased through the Amazon Kindle store right on their Windows PC using both speech and braille. Books can be navigated using all standard reading commands including reading by character, word, line, paragraph, and continuously with Say All. As JAWS reads, pages turn automatically so you can enjoy a book without interruption. JAWS can only access Kindle books that support Enhanced Typesetting. The product details for the book on the Amazon web site indicates if Enhanced Typesetting is enabled. This exposes the necessary information to screen readers and provides access to the book content. Tip: Pressing CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END while reading a Kindle book moves to the top or bottom of the current page instead of the top or bottom of the document as in other applications. To move to the beginning or end of the book, you can use the Go to Location dialog box which is accessed using the Kindle command CTRL+G. Regards, Eric -----Original Message----- From: JAWS-Users-List [] On Behalf Of Terry Chaney Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 10:16 AM To: Jaws list <> Subject: [JAWS-Users] Kindle with Jaws I tried typing Kindle into the search box on the jaws cite and struck out. Could someone please give me an idea of where I need to go to learn more about this from a jfw perspective? I've been able to open books in Kindle, hit a button on the table of contents and then have a non-Jaws voice begin to read the entry. I understood that I was supposed to be able to access the text of the book using Jaws, and also had the option of working with that text for things like citations. If I'm misunderstanding the possibilities I'd also appreciate knowing Terry Chaney For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: For answers to frequently asked questions about this list visit: