Hi all

I am so stuck and hhave no one one else to turn to.

Here is my situation

AT&T deleted all my contacts from my out;look and while doing this they
goofed all my blindkeys or sounds on my pc and more on my outlook

I use a

Del Desk top

Windows 7, 64

Windows office/outlook 2010

Jaws 14


I went to my sounds and schemes and checked and saved all the sounds I
wanted but no sound.

I do get my new e mail notification, log on and off windows but nothing else
like when I enter to delete a message no sound evnthough I have a (oh oh!)

When I go to the top of an e mail or document I have a windows beep saved
but no sound happens

When I close a program like outlook Jaws ask me if I want to perm delete
messages but no sound and I have a soundsaved.

When I save a file that I already have or a copy is already saved no sound,
where there was a oh oh sound in the past

I am truly stuck and I feel bad for not knows what I should know.

So if anyone can please help me

I would appreciate that.



I am sorry if I have asked this again but maybe I have not explained myself
and all that I have been told to do has not worked, not that they are wrong
maybe I just don't know as much.

Feeling so useless here



There is speaking grace. Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech be always
with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer
every man."

~Blessings, Sugar


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