Hey group,

Yesterday my outlook 2010 was acting a little weird so I closed it down and
restarted my PC. Now it seems as though Outlook has reset the calendar to a
kind of factory default. All my appointments are missing, and the calendar
is presented in a grid view with holidays starting in 2009. But, I don't
think my appointments are completely gone because my reminder window is
still being populated with appointment times that have come and gone. Prior
to this calendar malfunction, there was a window that gave me the choice of
either snooze, restart and something else. I thought it was for the creator
update, but it wasn't. Perhaps I have installed an update that messed up my
calendar? I thought about a system restore, but wasn't sure it would help.
Maybe I should go ahead and do it anyway?
I'm running Jaws 18 and I would sure appreciate some helpful information on
this one.

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