
I am wondering if any of you have suggestions to make about JAWS accessible
software for two areas? First is a good basic money management program. For
years I used Quicken but as new version have emerged, they have become
increasingly cumbersome to use with screen readers. I would like bank and
credit card account access if at all possible. If any of you have a step by
step guide for Quicken 2016 or later, that too might solve my problems. 


The other area is managing a collection of DVD and Blu Ray disks. I have
looked at lots of options with free trials, but again, most have offered, at
best, poor access. 


Thanks for any guidance, 


P.S. I too have been in list unwilling withdrawal for much of the week. Went
back and reactivated my membership and I am getting feeds again. Not sure if
it was that or the end of the message doubt that others have mentioned.


Richard Ely, Ed.D.


Email: <> 

Home Phone: (413) 727-3038

Cell 413) 774-0743


"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. 

To change something,  build a new model that makes the existing model

Buckminster Fuller


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