Hi all. I'm using the latest builds of both Jaws 2018 and Windows 10. Seemingly inexplicably, Say All has begun pausing between lines, even though I have tried it both reading by sentence and by line without pauses. It's almost as though whichever setting I choose, Say All reads with pauses. To attempt to remedy this, I performed a repair, then tried Say All using the alternate user directory; it read without pauses as I desire. I then deleted all my settings files except for my pronunciation dictionary and voice profiles, to allow Jaws to repopulate my settings directory. AftEr this, Say All again read without pauses as I desire. However, after I went through the entire settings tree, resetting everything to my preferences, the Say All reading with pauses regardless of setting returned. This forces me to ask if there is some hidden or obscure relationship between how Say All pauses and another setting that appears to have nothing to do with it. I'm inclined toward this reasoning because when I switch to the alternate user directory or delete my settings files, Say All behaves properly. Only after I configure my settings does the problem return. The question is: why? I realize that as a temporary fix, I could yet again delete my settings and this time not change any of the defaults. But then, punctuation, speech verbosity and so many other settings would not be configured to my taste. As another possibility, I will test tomorrow whether this behavior is also happening on my laptop. If it is not, I'll try copying my settings directory from my laptop to the problematic desktop. What do you all think? Has anyone ever experienced this strange Say All behavior of reading with line pauses regardless of setting?

Many thanks,

Orlando Enrique Fiol

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