Hi Gene,

What your Jaws is reading / seeing is a blank page over th top of your 
desktop that only a screen reading can read, it's invisible to the human 
eye.  I showed this to MalwareBytes several months ago, & they were able to 
get rid of it in Windows 7, but for whatever reason they haven't fixed this 
blank page to sighted people, this annoyance page for blind people in 
Windows 10.  If you press, Jaws key + F10, to open the list of running 
applications you'll see this entry there indicating that MWB is running in 
the background & is also showing in the system tray.  While you're on the 
application tray window page, press Alt + F4 to close it, & it will 
disappear, MWB will also disappear from the system tray, but MWB will still 
be running in the background doing its job.  If you turn off MWB from 
showing in the system tray you will in turn stop this application tray 
window / page from showing as well.

Take care.  Mike.  Go Dodgers!
Sennt from my iBarstool.
Arguing with a woman is like reading a software license agreement.  In the 
end you have to ignore everything, & click I agree.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Gene Stone
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2018 5:47 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Malware Question

I have the latest of Malware, In up-dating the Premium Malware, I now have
"Malware .. Application on the desk-top that no one sees. Just my jaws,
which is the very latest of Jaws 2018. Also, Windows Ten and its latest

So, You smart fellers and gals, How does one make this, "Malware tray
application," That only jaws see disappear?

Geno, Portland, ME. Thank-you in advance!

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