Hi All,

Found this PDF document and converted it to text, and hope this helps all of 
us to learn how to navigate this latest MWB version with Jaws.


 Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide

 Version 3.4.5

 29 March 2018


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Copyright © 2018 Malwarebytes.  All rights reserved.

Third Party Project Usage

Malwarebytes software is made possible thanks in part to many open source 
and third party projects.  A requirement of many of

these projects is that credit is given where credit is due.  Information 
about each third party/open source project used in

Malwarebytes software – as well as licenses for each – are available on the 
following page.


Sample Code in Documentation

The sample code described herein is provided on an “as is” basis, without 
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Malwarebytes disclaims all warranties, express or implied,

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any service or software related there to.


 Table of Contents


What’s New in Malwarebytes for Windows 
................................................................. 2

System Requirements 


 Free, Premium Trial or Premium? 


 A Final Word about Administrative Rights 

Screen Layout 

 Menu Bar 

 My Account 

 Notification Center 

 Menu Pane 

 Status/Option Pane 

 Detail Pane 


 Status Pane 



 Scan Status 

 View Scan Reports 

 Schedule a 

 Check for Updates 


 Protection History 


 Threat Scan 

 Custom Scan 

 Custom Scanning 

 Potentially Unwanted Programs/Modifications 

 Folders to be Scanned 

 Hyper Scan 

 Scan Schedules 

 Basic Mode 

 Advanced Mode 

 Advanced Scan Options 

 Watching Scan Progress 

 Scan Results 

 Scan Summary 



 Viewing or Deleting Logs 


 Application Settings 

 Application Updates 


 Impact of Scans on System 

 Windows Context Menus 

 Display Language 

 Event Log 

 Proxy Server 

 User Access 

 Windows Action Center 

 Beta Application Updates 

 Usage and Threat Statistics 


 Real–Time Protection 

 Scan Options 

 Potential Threats 


 Startup Options 

 Automatic Quarantine 

 Scan Schedule 


 Add Exclusion 

 My Account 


Appendix A: Notification Window Examples 
............................................................. 37


Malwarebytes for Windows (“Malwarebytes”) is an "AV replacement."  It is not 
an AV.  It does not incorporate the same old engine

for file–infectors and other malware that you find in a typical AV or 
Internet security suite, the large and inefficient library of

signatures, or the bloatware features which are becoming more prevalent.

You don't need to pay for a traditional AV anymore!  At Malwarebytes, we 
have always approached things differently and, as many

people know based on their own positive experience with Malwarebytes finding 
and remediating malware that gets past AVs, we

know a thing or two about zero–day malware and their infection tactics.  We 
have always believed that no one product can do it

all, and the free AV that comes with modern operating systems, in 
conjunction with Malwarebytes is all you will ever need.

In today's modern threat world, bad guys have learned how to evade AV 
protection, making it more important than ever before

to be able to disrupt attacks in as many different stages of the attack 
chain as possible. Malwarebytes, layered with the AV (which

is the default mode) or as your stand–alone defense, is the most effective 
approach against modern threats.  And if all else fails,

you need the best remediation technology available.

Malwarebytes has been engineered to provide the most effective layered 
approach of prevention, detection and remediation


 1. Application hardening, to make them more resilient against attacks.

 2. Anti–exploit technology, to shield applications from vulnerability 
exploits (currently one of the top infection vectors).

 3. Application Behavior Enforcement, an advanced and signature–less 
technology which prevents common infection

 vectors (e.g. web & email based social engineering).

 4. Anti–ransomware, a signature–less technology designed to behaviorally 
detect ransomware.

 5. Revamped Anti–Malware and Web Blocking engines, offering more aggressive 
detection techniques.

 6. Hardened and modular architecture design, allowing seamless integration 
of new detection and protection technologies

 in the future.

 7. Highly effective as always in malware remediation, an often overlooked 
part of the protection stack.

 8. Ability to run as primary protection (no AV) or secondary protection 
(alongside existing AV).

 9. Engineered to be our next corporate endpoint client, providing major 
improvements to our endpoint management

 capabilities and new enterprise–focused offerings

 10. Last but not least, our Research Team has been growing and adapting 
lately, with notable additions to the lineup from

 JRT and AdwCleaner, our new aggressive stance against PUPs, as well as new 
R&D technologies which we will be

 unveiling shortly.

Welcome to the Malwarebytes User Guide!

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 1

What’s New in Malwarebytes for Windows

This version of Malwarebytes contains many improvements and bug fixes. 
Following is a list of changes.

Performance/protective capability

 • Improved remediation for hijacked shortcuts

 • Continued improvements to overall protection, detection and remediation


 • Device Name now syncs to the Malwarebytes My Account portal for users on 
the paid version

 • Improved accessibility features for the Notification Center

 • Added custom messages designed to highlight the value of Malwarebytes 
protection and help it remain free

 Stability/issues fixed

 • Fixed problem when cutting / pasting files with anti–ransomware enabled

 • Fixed problem where USB stick would not eject properly with 
anti–ransomware enabled

 • Fixed a service crash related to self–protection

 • Fixed a blue screen crash related to Web Protection

 • Addressed other miscellaneous defects

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 2

System Requirements

Following are minimum requirements for a computer system on which 
Malwarebytes may be installed.  Please note that these

requirements do not include any other functionality that the computer is 
responsible for.

 • Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 
Vista (Service Pack 1 or later), Windows

 XP (Service Pack 3 or later, 32–bit only)

 PLEASE NOTE: Anti–ransomware protection is not supported for Windows XP or 
Windows Vista, due to architectural


 • CPU:  800 MHz or faster, with SSE2 technology.  This includes most modern 
Intel x86 processors as well as AMD’s Athlon

 64, Sempron 64, Turion 64 and Phenom CPU families.  Please refer to the 
following page for further information:


 • RAM:  2048 MB (64–bit OS), 1024 MB (32–bit OS, except 256 MB for Windows 

 • Free Disk Space:  250 MB

 • Recommended Screen Resolution: 1024x768 or higher

 • Active Internet Connection

WARNING: If you are upgrading from Malwarebytes Anti–Malware version 2.x and 
have enabled Malwarebytes’ self–protection

feature, please disable it prior to initiating the upgrade.  It prevents the 
Malwarebytes installation program from doing its job.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 3


To begin the installation, double–click on the Malwarebytes installation 
file which you downloaded.  If you are installing

Malwarebytes on a Windows version newer than Windows XP, a Windows dialog 
box will be presented in the middle of your screen,

labeled User Account Control.  Verify that the publisher is listed as 
Malwarebytes Corporation and click Yes.  This Windows security

feature assures limited application capabilities unless and until you 
authorize higher capabilities.  Installation will begin once this

has been approved.  The installation program guides you and allows you to 
provide alternate information if you do not wish to

accept defaults.  Each screen also allows you to terminate installation if 
you do not wish to continue.

Free, Premium Trial or Premium?

Before you begin, we want to let you know that throughout this guide, you 
will see references to the Free, Premium Trial, and

Premium versions of Malwarebytes.  This is likely unfamiliar territory for 
new Malwarebytes users.  The following link provides a

basic rundown on the differences between the Free and Premium versions of 


These differences are also shown in the Malwarebytes interface immediately 
after it has been installed.  See below….

The Premium Trial is a 14–day opportunity to use the Premium version of the 
program, and to see if it is better suited to your needs.

The Premium Trial is available at no cost, but you can only use it one time 
for each version of Malwarebytes.  The Premium Trial is

automatically started during installation.  Once installed, the program 
provides options to convert from Free to Premium, and from

Premium Trial to Premium.

If you elect to use the Premium Trial and do not wish to purchase a Premium 
subscription at the end of the trial, your Malwarebytes

program will revert to Free mode.  The only differences will be that the 
added features enabled by the trial will cease to function.

All other functionality remains unchanged.

If you are a new Malwarebytes user, or are a free/Premium Trial user 
upgrading to this version, you will be alerted that a scan has

not been run.  Click Scan Now and Malwarebytes will run a scan for you. 
After the scan (and cleanup, if needed) has been

completed, you will see the user interface as shown below.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 4

Please take note of the Why Premium button in the lower left corner.  Click 
that button for a brief slide show that describes the

differences between Free and Premium modes.  While Malwarebytes does an 
effective job of disinfecting your computer after an

attack, there is no replacement for preventing the attack from ever 

If you have already purchased a license, you may wish to activate your copy 
of Malwarebytes at this time.  You can do that now (or

at any time) by clicking the Activate License button at the top right 
portion of the Malwarebytes user interface.


Malwarebytes is available for users of any modern Windows client to download 
and install at no cost.  You can also purchase an

annual subscription, which entitles you to take advantage of real–time 
protection, scan/update scheduling and access policies.  If

no license has been installed into the product, the blue title bar at the 
top of the screen will show two buttons, Activate License

and Upgrade Now.  When clicked, Upgrade Now launches a browser window which 
opens to the Malwarebytes web site

pricing/purchase page.  Your license information will be in an email sent to 
you by Malwarebytes at the time of purchase.  Locate

your license information and click the Activate License button.  You will 
then see the following screen.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 5

Please note the checkbox and the words “My license came with a License ID.” 
If you are using our “old style” license, you will also

need to check that box and enter your License ID along with your Key.

Please note:  You must be online with an active Internet connection in order 
to successfully activate your Premium license.

The construction of the Key is different, so make sure that you choose the 
right screen for entering your license information based

on whether you have an ID and Key, or just a Key.  After entering your 
license information, click the Activate License button.  Your

Malwarebytes screen will refresh, as shown below.

Please note that the two license–related links in the Menu Bar have been 
replaced by a link called My Account.  Also note that the

banner has changed from Malwarebytes Premium Trial to Malwarebytes Premium.

A Final Word about Administrative Rights

If you installed Malwarebytes from a downloaded installation file, you 
automatically started a Premium Trial, and were offered the

capability to activate the Premium features if you had purchased an annual 
subscription.  You may have decided to wait until later.

If that is the case, please remember that you should be logged in to Windows 
as an Administrator before doing either of those


We will go into much more detail about the features of Malwarebytes, but 
before doing that, we should introduce you to the

Malwarebytes user interface.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 6

Screen Layout

The Malwarebytes program interface is designed around a screen layout which 
is simplified and uncluttered.  We want to make it

easy for you to configure the program to serve your needs, and we hope this 
layout helps to do that.  The screenshot below shows

the Dashboard – the screen you see when Malwarebytes is launched for the 
first time.

Let's talk about the primary elements which make up our user interface.

Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is displayed at the top of the screen at all times. There are 
two buttons in the Menu Bar. A description for both


My Account

This button will take you to the setting options to manage your Malwarebytes 
subscription(s) and license(s). For more information,

please refer to pages 35–36 of this guide.

Notification Center

The Notification Center provides a convenient location to view recent 
notifications generated by Malwarebytes. Clicking the icon

will show the 5 most recent notifications. You may scroll down to view up to 
25 notifications by using your mouse wheel. You can

view additional details for each notification by clicking it – Malwarebytes 
will bring you to the relevant screen.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 7

Menu Pane

The Menu Pane contains the main program options, which will be discussed in 
detail in this guide.  They consist of:

 • Dashboard: What you see here. While the exact details change over time, 
the look is consistent.

 • Scan: Select the type of scan you wish to run, run it, and view the 

 • Quarantine: Delete or restore threats which have been detected by program 

 • Reports: View reports related to program operation, threats which have 
been detected, and threats which have been


 • Settings: Configure every aspect of Malwarebytes, so that it can protect 
you efficiently.

In addition, there are settings for Account information.  While in Premium 
Trial mode, options are present to buy a Premium

subscription and to Activate the program.  Once you have purchased a 
subscription, those two options will revert to a single option

which handles details of your account.  More on those later.

Status/Option Pane

When the Dashboard is selected from the Menu Pane, the center of the screen 
is filled with the Status Pane.  It is designed to give

you quick information that tells you whether there is anything for you to be 
concerned about.  When the Dashboard is selected,

the Detail Pane is also displayed.  More on that momentarily.

When any menu option other than the Dashboard is selected, all space except 
the space used by the Menu Pane is allocated to the

selected menu option.  This provides sufficient room for information 
pertaining to any menu option to be cleanly displayed.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 8

Detail Pane

The Detail Pane is shown only when the Dashboard is selected.  It shows 
information on protection options, protection updates,

and detail pertaining to the most recent scan.  This information is shown on 
other screen displays as part of the menu option

selected by the user, but are all displayed here for quick recognition.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 9


Each time Malwarebytes is launched, the first page visible to the user is 
the Dashboard.  It provides program status, and acts as a

launch pad for all program operations.  A screenshot of the user interface – 
featuring the Dashboard – is shown below for reference.

Status Pane

The main area of the screen is the Status Pane, providing current system 
status.  Within the Main Window, the first item displayed

is the Status Banner.  This banner displays a status message along with an 
icon, whose color is based on program status.  The color

is meant to alert the user to conditions which may require intervention. 
Colors used are similar to traffic stop signals – green simply

indicates a good status; orange indicates a warning of a condition which may 
become more severe over time; red indicates that

your immediate attention is needed.  Following is a full list of status 
messages.  If a recommended method of correcting the

problem is immediately available, it will appear as a functional button on 
the banner itself.

 • Color: green (no problem)

 o Awesome! You’re protected. (Premium mode and Premium Trial modes which 
will expire more than 7 days in

 the future)

 o You’re running Malwarebytes Free. (free mode only)

 • Color: orange (non–critical problem)

 o You’re not fully protected.

 o Your Protection Updates are not current.

 o Your program version is out of date

 o Your Premium Trial ends in <x> days. (trial expiring in 3–7 days)

 o Renew to avoid losing protection against malware, bad websites, and other 

 • Color: red (critical problem)

 o Your Premium Trial ends in <x> days. (trial expiring in 0–3 days)

 o Your trial has expired

 o Renew to avoid losing protection against malware, bad websites, and other 

 o We were unable to renew your subscription (renewal failed, and you are 
now in 30–day grace period)

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 10

Real–Time Protection

This item shows the status for each of the four Real–Time Protection 
features.  Please note that real–time protection is enabled only

for Malwarebytes Premium and Malwarebytes Premium Trial users.  This feature 
is not available if you are using the Free version.


Settings are accessed from the Main Menu, and also by clicking the small 
gear at the top right of the Real–Time Protection panel.

When clicked, the Settings screen will be displayed, allowing access to all 
program settings.  Please refer to the Settings portion of

this guide (pages 24–35) for complete information on this topic.

Scan Status

This panel shows your scanning activity at a glance.  You can easily see 
when the last scan was completed, when the next scan is

scheduled, and the status of your protection updates.  There are four icons 
on the title bar for this panel, as shown here.

A description for each icon – in the order shown – is as follows.

View Scan Reports

This icon takes you to Reports, where you can view detailed reports on scans 
which Malwarebytes has performed on your computer.

Please note that information shown here is limited to the last scan that was 
executed.  See the Reports Pane (pages 21–23) for

information on reports as a whole.

Schedule a Scan

The second icon allows scans to be scheduled for automatic execution.  This 
option is available only for Malwarebytes Premium and

Malwarebytes Premium Trial users.  The icon remains visible in Free mode, 
but clicking it has no effect.  When clicked, the Settings

screen will be displayed, allowing access to the Scan Schedule screen. 
Please refer to the Scan Schedule portion of this guide (pages

13–15) for full information on this topic.

Check for Updates

The third icon causes Malwarebytes to connect with Malwarebytes servers to 
check for protection updates more current than those

in use, and download them if they exist.  This option is functional for all 
program modes.


The fourth icon links to the Malwarebytes User Guide on the Malwarebytes 
website.  This behavior is consistent throughout the


Protection History

This panel shows three key statistics.  It shows how many items were 
scanned, how many threats were detected during scans, and

how many threats were detected by real–time protection.  Please note that 
the number of items scanned includes individual files

that are part of archive files, as well as components in dynamic link 
library (DLL) files.  Also note that real–time detections can only

occur in Premium and Premium Trial modes.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 11


The Scan Pane is the introduction to scan–related options in the program. 
When you click Scan in the Menu Pane, you will see the

screen shown below.

On this screen, you may select the Scan Method and the Scan Schedule.  Let’s 
look first at Scan Methods.  There are three scan types

which can be executed – Threat Scan, Custom Scan, and Hyper Scan.  Hyper 
Scan is only available to users of the Premium or

Premium Trial modes.  Please note that global scan settings used by Threat 
Scans and Hyper Scans are selected in Settings (see

pages 30–31).  Following are more detailed descriptions of each of the scan 

Threat Scan

This method of scanning detects a large majority of threats that your 
computer may be faced with.  Areas and methods tested


 • Memory Objects: Memory which has been allocated by operating system 
processes, drivers, and other applications.

 • Startup Objects: Executable files and/or modifications which will be 
initiated at computer startup.

 • Registry Objects: Configuration changes which may have been made to the 
Windows registry.

 • File System Objects: Files stored on your computer's local disk drives 
which may contain malicious programs or code


 • Heuristic Analysis: Analysis methods which we employ in the 
previously–mentioned objects – as well as in other areas –

 which are instrumental in detection of and protection against threats, as 
well as the ability to assure that the threats

 cannot reassemble themselves.

The Threat Scan is the scan method which we recommend for daily scans. 
While it will not scan every file on your computer, it will

scan the locations which most commonly are the launch point for a malware 

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 12

Custom Scan

You may also choose to run a custom scan.  A custom scan allows you to scan 
according to specifications which you define at the

time of the scan.  These settings will override scan settings defined 
elsewhere.  A screenshot of the custom scan configuration

screen is shown below.

Custom Scanning Options

These settings provide capability to determine the functional areas that 
will be scanned.  They are as follows:

 • Memory Objects: Memory which has been allocated by operating system 
processes, drivers, and other applications.  It is

 important to note that threats detected during scans are still considered 
threats if they have an active component in

 memory.  As an extra measure of safety, memory objects should be scanned.

 • Startup and Registry Objects: Executable files and/or modifications which 
are initiated at computer startup, as well as

 registry–based configuration changes that can alter startup behavior.

 • Archives: If this setting is checked, archive files (ZIP, 7Z, RAR, CAB 
and MSI) will be scanned up to two levels  deep.

 Encrypted (password–protected) archives cannot be tested.  If left 
unchecked, archive files will be ignored.

 • Rootkits: These are files stored on your computer's local disk drives 
which are invisible to the operating system.  These

 files may also influence system behavior.

Potentially Unwanted Programs/Modifications

These settings allow the user to choose how Potentially Unwanted Programs 
(PUPs) and Potentially Unwanted Modifications

(PUMs) will be treated if they are detected.

Folders to be Scanned

This setting allows the user to include or exclude directories, 
subdirectories, and individual files from scans.  It utilizes a Windows

Explorer–like presentation model.  In the screenshot shown above, every 
directory except Desktop is selected for a custom scan.

You may scan parent directories separately from child directories based on 
individual selections.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 13

Hyper Scan

This scanning option is only available to users of Malwarebytes Premium and 
Malwarebytes Premium Trial versions.  This method of

scanning is limited to detection of immediate threats.  Areas and methods 
tested include:

 • Memory Objects: Memory which has been allocated by operating system 
processes, drivers, and other applications.

 • Startup Objects: Executable files and/or modifications which will be 
initiated at computer startup.

While a Hyper Scan will clean any threats which have been detected, we 
strongly recommend that a Threat Scan be performed if

a Hyper Scan has detected threats.

Scan Schedule

This tab allows users of the Premium and Premium Trial versions to add, edit 
and remove scheduled scans to be executed by

Malwarebytes.  This feature is not available to users of the Free version. 
A screenshot of this tab is shown below.

One scheduled scan is defined when Malwarebytes is installed.  Premium and 
Premium Trial users are free to modify or delete scans

at will, while Free users are provided with a single monthly scheduled scan. 
Please note that if the initial task is deleted without a

replacement task being defined, your Malwarebytes program will not deliver 
the positive results that you expect.  The same

methods are used here to add a new task as well as to edit an existing task, 
so let's Add a new task in Basic mode.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 14

Basic Mode

A screenshot of the basic Add Schedule screen is shown here.

 You can choose the

 specific task to be

 added on the left side of

 the screen, in the

 Scheduled Task area.

 You may choose from

 the following tasks:

 • Threat Scan

 • Custom Scan

 • Hyper Scan

Scan types have been previously discussed in the Scan section of this guide 
(pages 11–19).  Please refer to those pages for further

information if desired.  The Frequency and Settings section allows you to 
define the timeframe (Schedule Frequency) that a task

will be executed, and how often (Recurrence).  For scans, this translates 

 • Frequency = Hourly, recurrence in range of 1–48 hours

 • Frequency = Daily, recurrence in range of 1–60 days

 • Frequency = Weekly, recurrence in range of 1–8 weeks

 • Frequency = Monthly, fixed setting

 • Frequency = Once, fixed

 • Frequency = On Reboot, fixed

Advanced Mode

At the bottom left corner of the Add Schedule window is the Advanced button. 
Click that to expand the Add Schedule window to

expose several more options.  A screenshot is shown below.

In Advanced Mode, we add options which tailor the scan more to your liking. 
Let's look a little deeper, beginning with the

advanced options for scans.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 15

Advanced Scan Options

Scheduled Task defines what task (scan/update) is to be added/edited, and 
when that task should begin – specifying both the date

and time.  Schedule Options provides several added capabilities to the basic 
settings which have already been described.  Here's a

rundown on the advanced options.

 • Quarantine all threats automatically: This option determines if a 
newly–detected threat would be automatically

 quarantined, or if you would be notified so that you could choose a course 
of action.  While automatic quarantine may

 seem to be the best course of action, it could have negative implications 
if a false positive was encountered.  A false

 positive is the categorization of a legitimate file as a malicious file. 
It does rarely occur, and when it does, Malwarebytes

 Customer Success will assist you in having the offending file evaluated 
more fully by our Research group.

 • Restart computer when required for threat removal: This is available only 
if threats are automatically quarantined, and is

 not selected by default.  Some threats may require a computer restart to 
completely eliminate the threat, but we feel it’s

 best to notify you at the time, so you may save your work before restarting 
your computer.  If this were checked, you

 could lose work unless you were monitoring the scan in progress.

 • Scan for rootkits: This option allows specialized testing for the 
presence of rootkits.  Due to its nature, it increases the

 required time for a scan to execute.  This option is not available for 
Hyper Scans.

 • Scan within archives: This is selected by default.  It allows scanning to 
go two levels deep within archive files.  If not

 selected, the archive will be ignored.  It will also be ignored if it is 
encrypted.  This option is not available for Hyper Scans.

Frequency and Settings was discussed in the previous section (Advanced 
Mode).  Please refer to that section for more detail.

Recovery Options allow you to recover from a missed task (e.g. your computer 
was off at the time a scan was to take place).  A

scheduled task – if missed – will run at its next opportunity as long as it 
is within the duration specified by the Recover if missed by

selector and the Recover missed tasks checkbox is checked.

Watching Scan Progress

Each scan method requires a different amount of time to complete.  Unless 
significant changes have occurred on your local disk, a

Hyper Scan or Threat Scan should each be rather consistent from scan to 
scan.   A custom scan time interval may vary widely each

time, based on the areas scanned, the number of files involved, and the size 
and complexity of the files.  The screenshot below is

an example of a scan in process.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 16

The progress bar shows milestones for each phase of the scan, with each 
milestone represented by a green or gray symbol.  In this

screenshot, some milestones are shown with green checkmarks, indicating that 
phase of the scan has been completed. Scan

Memory is represented by an animation which indicates that this phase of the 
scan is currently being performed.  The remainder

of the tasks are shown as grey hourglasses, and are yet to be started.

You may also pause a scan while it is in process by clicking the Pause 
button.  The scan phase in progress will change to indicate

that the scan has been paused.  Click Resume to continue the scan where it 
left off.  You may also click Cancel at any time to

terminate the scan.  Results of the scan will be reported as if the scan ran 
to completion.

Scan Results

After a scan has been executed, Scan Results are displayed as shown here. 
In this scan, three threats were detected.

You may move threats to Quarantine by selecting the threat (using checkboxes 
to the left of the threat’s name) and clicking

Quarantine Selected.  If any threats are not selected to be moved to 
Quarantine, you will be prompted to Ignore Once, Ignore

Always, or Cancel.  Ignore Once will result in the threat once again being 
reported as a threat during the next scan execution.

Ignore Always causes the threat to be added to Exclusions.   A threat which 
has been added to Exclusions will no longer be reported

as a threat unless there is reason to believe that it has been tampered 
with.  You must provide a disposition for each threat

displayed on this screen.

Threats which have been moved into Quarantine cannot harm your computer. 
They are neutralized as part of the Quarantine

process.  Please see Quarantine (page 20) for further information.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 17

Scan Summary

The final screen to be displayed as part of a scan is the Scan Summary.  It 
provides summary information about the scan, and allows

you to view scan detail on screen, or export scan summary or scan detail to 
a text file.  A screenshot of the Scan Summary is shown

below.  Free and Premium Trial users will see a reminder of the value of a 
Malwarebytes subscription on this page as well.

Clicking the View Report button displays the Scan Report for the scan just 
completed.  It is shown here as well.

When threats are detected during a scan, the user must decide how these 
threats should be handled.  The following series of

screenshots detail this flow.  In the first screenshot, twenty threats have 
been detected.  By default, all are selected for removal.

Please note that the total number of detected threats is shown above the 
list of threats, as is the number of threats selected for


Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 18

In order to demonstrate the behavior of this screen, we will uncheck some of 
the threats.  This indicates that only the checked

threats are to be removed.  Clicking the Quarantine Selected button results 
in the screen shown below.

Threats that were not selected still require remediation, based on input 
supplied by the user.  In this case, the choices available are

Ignore Once, Ignore Always and Cancel.  Clicking the Ignore Once button 
temporarily ignores a threat, although it will be shown

as a threat on subsequent scans.  Selecting Ignore Always results in the 
threat being added to the Exclusion List.  It would not be

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 19

scanned in the future.  Clicking Cancel keeps you on this screen until you 
choose how to handle all detected threats.  Once a

disposition has been selected for all detected threats, the screen below 
will be displayed.

Although threats have been quarantined, you must restart the computer to 
assure the threat removal process is complete.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 20


When executing scans (on–demand or as part of real–time protection), some 
programs, files or registry keys may have been

categorized as threats.  At that time, they were removed from the disk 
location where they were stored, placed in quarantine, and

modified so that they could not pose a threat to your computer.  There may 
be items which fall into this category, but are not

malicious.  It is up to individual users to research and make this 
determination.  Upon entry to the Quarantine option, you are

presented with the screen shown here.

Quarantined items are shown in a table format, with pertinent information 
presented to help you determine what action needs to

be taken.  Each item listed has a checkbox in the leftmost column.  Check 
the checkbox to restore or delete the item.  Please note

that the Restore and Delete buttons are greyed out until items are selected. 
If you wish to apply the same action to all quarantined

items, select the checkbox in the table header and click Restore or Delete.

Please be aware that quarantined items which are not deleted or restored 
will continue to be visible here until action is taken.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 21


The Reports Pane displays a list of scans and real–time protection 
detections, in reverse chronological order.  A Protection Event that

starts with the word Scan is a report summarizing the specified scan.  All 
other reports listed on this screen are detail pertaining to

detections made by real–time protection.  A screenshot is shown here.

Selected reports may be viewed on screen, or exported to a text file for 
later viewing.  Opening a report will display a summary of

the event.  You can click the Advanced tab to view more information about 
the event. Details displayed for Protection Events will

be relevant to the type of event shown.  Please note that only manual (on 
demand) scans are available for users of the free version

of Malwarebytes.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 22

The Scan Report may appear in two different forms.  If one or more threats 
were detected during a scan, the report will appear as:

Please note that the bottom portion of the report shows the threats detected 
during the scan.  It is scrollable when required.  The

top portion of the report contains a summary of the scan.  You can click the 
Advanced button to view more details, as shown here:

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 23

Viewing or Deleting Logs

You may view any log file by clicking the log to select it, then clicking 
the View Report button.  As mentioned previously, there are

several output options for Protection Logs.  To delete logs, click the 
checkbox corresponding to those logs you wish to delete, then

click the Delete button.  Please bear in mind that computers which have 
significant threat activity will also have larger logs.  You

should periodically check how much disk space is being used for logs, so 
that logs do not impact normal operation of your


Please note that an Export button is shown at the bottom left corner of this 
screen.  This allows you to make a copy of the log for

use by other programs.  You may export to your clipboard or to a text (TXT) 

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 24


The Settings screen allows the user to change all Malwarebytes operational 
settings.  We have grouped settings by the

areas/functions which they control into tabs to maintain a clean user 
interface.  When you select any tab, you will see the Detail

Pane change to reflect the tab which you selected.  At the same time, the 
tab itself is highlighted.

Before we dig in to each of the tabs, a brief description of each is in 

 • Application Settings: Settings that affect Malwarebytes, as well as how 
it coexists with Windows.

 • Protection Settings: How Malwarebytes should protect you during scans and 
(for Premium/Trial mode users only) Real–

 Time Protection.

 • Scan Schedule: When Malwarebytes should execute scans and check for 
protection updates.  This setting is functional

 only for users of Premium/Trial mode.

 • Exclusions: Items which will be excluded from testing which detects 
malware, as well as websites which are categorized

 as malicious but specifically approved by the user.

 • My Account: Information pertaining to the status of your subscription.

 • About: Version numbers corresponding to Malwarebytes as a whole, and for 
various components of the program which

 may be updated individually.  Malwarebytes company resources are also 
listed on this page.

When Settings is selected, the Application tab is always selected.  If you 
navigate away from Settings – to Dashboard, Scan,

Quarantine or Reports – you will always return to the Application tab of 
Settings when you click on Settings.

Now, let's take a look at Application Settings!

Application Settings

This is the entry screen you will see when you click on Settings in the Menu 
Pane.  It controls how Malwarebytes interacts with

many aspects of your computer’s operating system.  A screenshot is shown 

The scroll bar at the right of this screen indicates there are many more 
options available on this screen than what appear here.  We

will now cover each of them in order.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 25

Application Updates

Malwarebytes may have updates available for individual program components, 
or for the full program.  We provide two toggle

switches which allow you to choose whether either or both upgrade modes can 
be integrated into your copy of Malwarebytes

when they are available.  Click Install Application Updates to check for 
available program updates or upgrades.  You can choose if

you upgrade, and when.  Upgrades only happen with your consent.


Notifications regarding scans, real time protection, updates and 
subscriptions occur in windows at the lower right corner of your

screen, outside of the Malwarebytes interface.  You may enable or disable 
these notifications.  Most notifications are enabled by

default, while a few can be disabled.  Please note that some non–critical 
information may not be visible if you disable notifications.

Disabled notifications do not leave the user at risk at any time. The 
following notifications may be disabled.  Please refer to

Appendix A (Notification Window Examples) at the end of this guide for 
further information.

 • Malicious Website Blocked

 • Malware Detected (auto–quarantine)

 • Non–Malware Detected (auto–quarantine)

Some users intentionally turn off one or more components of real–time 
protection.  Users may now disable notifications that

components have been turned off.  Please note that as a result of this 
setting, users will be unable to receive notifications regarding

real–time protection failures in the event of program malfunction.

Impact of Scans on System

Most users schedule scans to occur during times when their computer is 
typically idle.  Execution of a manual scan may be

performed as a matter of convenience, or while other tasks are being 
executed.  The performance of lower–powered computers

may be affected by execution of the Malwarebytes scan.  This setting allows 
the user to determine the priority of the scan to be

performed.  Lower scan priority will require more time to execute while 
impacting other operations to a lesser degree.  High priority

allows the scan to be executed at the maximum speed which the computer 
allows, but may affect other tasks.

Windows Context Menus

Malwarebytes has the capability to launch a Threat Scan upon one or more 
individual files or directories from within Windows

Explorer by using the context menu that becomes available when the 
files/directories are right–clicked.  This setting allows that

capability to be turned on or off.  The default setting is On.

Display Language

This setting determines the language used throughout.  This is pre–set, 
based on the language used during program installation.

It can be modified at will.

Event Log Data

This setting provides additional information regarding program actions which 
are beyond typical needs of the user.  Should you

encounter a technical issue with Malwarebytes, our Customer Success 
engineers may request that you enable this setting to

provide additional troubleshooting information.  Once troubleshooting is 
complete, please remember to turn this setting off to

prevent unnecessary disk usage.  The default setting is Off.

Proxy Server

This determines whether Internet connections will use a proxy server.  This 
is more often used on a corporate network.  It has two

primary purposes.  The first is to funnel communications to and from the 
outside world through a single connection point, thus

assuring anonymity of all computers on the internal network.  The second 
purpose is to cache content.  This means that external

content which had recently been downloaded is saved locally for some period 
of time, and subsequent requests by that user (or

others) could use the recently–saved data.  This conserves significant 
bandwidth, resulting in lower operating costs.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 26

 By default, Malwarebytes does not use a proxy.  If configured to

 do so, the bottom panel will change to provide configuration

 options as shown in the screenshot shown here.

 You can now specify the IP address or name of a proxy server,

 as well as the appropriate port number.  If a proxy is in use, the

 name and port number must be specified by the person who

 controls access to the proxy server.  He will also be able to tell

 you whether authentication is required to use the server, and if

 so, provide a user name and password which have been

 assigned to you.

User Access

This slider allows users of Malwarebytes Premium and Malwarebytes Premium 
Trial versions to restrict access to various features

and functions in Malwarebytes with password protection.  The Edit User 
Access button is only visible when the slider is in the On

position, allowing the user to define sections of the program which require 
a password to access.

When the Edit User Access button is clicked, a new window opens directly 
above the Malwarebytes program screen to restrict

access to selected areas of the program only to those users who possess the 
password.  The password is also defined on this screen.

WARNING: This password is not recoverable.  If you lose your password, you 
will have to reinstall Malwarebytes to access restricted


As shown above, the Reports tab has been placed under password control. 
This also causes User Access to be placed under

password control.  This prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to 
restricted areas.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 27

 When attempting to gain access to a

 restricted area, you will be required to enter

 a password (as shown here).

 If an incorrect password is entered, or if a

 null password is used, this error message

 will be displayed.

If this feature has been enabled and is subsequently disabled, any 
restrictions which have been defined are cancelled.  This feature

is not available to users of the Free version.  Currently, only one policy 
may be in effect at any given time.

Windows Action Center

You may have noticed an icon in your system tray with a red X superimposed 
over a white flag. That is a status indicator for the

Windows Action Center, which tells you when your computer has a security 
issue that needs your attention. Malwarebytes Premium

or Malwarebytes Premium Trial can now be registered as a security solution 
on your computer.  There are three settings available,

which will be abbreviated here for easier reading.  Brief descriptions for 
the meaning of each setting are also provided.

 • Let Malwarebytes choose whether to register: Malwarebytes will determine 
whether it should be registered in Action

 Center. The program will not register when Microsoft Security Essentials is 
in use on a Windows 7 or older operating

 system. It will also not register when Windows Defender is used on a 
Windows 8 or newer OS.

 • Always register Malwarebytes: Malwarebytes program status will always 
appear in Action Center.

 • Never register Malwarebytes: Malwarebytes program status will never 
appear in Action Center.

Beta Application Updates

Some Malwarebytes users want to try the newest features as soon as they are 
available, while some prefer to wait until the product

is released.  We have added this program setting so that if you want the 
latest and greatest immediately, we can deliver it to you

automatically.  When you enable this setting, you will see the following 
dialog box.

Usage and Threat Statistics

If you check this box, you will be sending us information to help us do our 
jobs.  We like to know what countries Malwarebytes is

being used in, and the breakdown of Premium, Premium Trial, and Free 
versions.  Our Research organization likes to keep track of

what malware we are detecting and how often.  We learn that from what you 
send us, and helps us to serve you more effectively.

We hope that's fine with you as well.  For a full list of information that 
is collected, please see the Malwarebytes Privacy Policy, at:


Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 28


Most settings which control how Malwarebytes protects your computer are 
located on the Protection tab.   Settings are grouped

by category.  A screenshot is shown below, along with descriptions of all 
settings available on this tab.

Real–Time Protection

Malwarebytes offers four different types of real–time protection.  These 
features are available only to users of the Premium and

Premium Trial modes.  It is important to note that Premium Trial users who 
do not convert to a Premium subscription will lose all

real–time protection features at the end of their trial.

Web Protection protects Premium/Trial users by blocking access to/from 
Internet addresses which are known or suspected of

engaging in malicious activity.  This feature does not treat different 
protocols differently.  It does not distinguish between your

favorite game being served on one port and a potential malware source being 
served on another.  Should you choose to disable

this feature, you could inadvertently compromise your computer's safety. 
Please note that this option is disabled if you are using

the Free version.

Exploit Protection uses multiple protection layers to guard against 
attempted exploits of vulnerabilities in legitimate applications.

When applications are launched by the user, exploit protection is also 
launched as a shield.  This protection will often detect and

neutralize attacks that go undetected by other security applications.  It is 
on by default for Premium/Premium Trial users.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 29

Many popular applications have been pre–configured for shielding.  A 
screenshot is shown above.  To change the status of any

application, either use the Protection slider, or double click either the 
Application or File Name.  Premium/Premium Trial users may

add protection for other applications, and edit specifications for any 
defined shield.  The Edit screen is shown here.

You may specify an Application name which is easily recognizable, and the 
Application file name.  You can also browse for the file.

Select a Program type which most closely resembles the purpose of the 
application.  If you are unsure, select Other.

The same screen is used to edit existing entries.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 30

In addition, Premium/Premium Trial users can modify advanced exploit 
protection settings.  Several advanced settings are spread

across four tabs, depending on the classification of protection they 
provide.  One tab is shown here as an example.

Each advanced setting is available for up to six different application 
groups, the groups representing the method by which threats

will attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in applications of that type. 
Protection may be turned on (checked), off (unchecked), or is

not applicable for that group of applications (greyed out).  While these 
settings provide very specific protection, they should only

be changed when requested by a Malwarebytes Customer Success specialist. 
Incorrect settings may result in impaired protection.

Malware Protection may be turned on or off as needed by Premium/Premium 
Trial users.  It is on by default.  This feature protects

against malware present in code/files that try to execute on your computer. 
These files may have been downloaded, imported

from a USB drive, or received as an email attachment.  While we do not 
recommend disabling this protection mechanism, there

may be times when it needs to be done to troubleshoot compatibility issues 
that arise with anti–virus updates or computer startup

problems.  If either situation does occur, start your computer in Safe Mode, 
disable Malware Protection, isolate and correct the

issue, then turn Malware Protection back on.  Please note that this option 
is disabled if you are using the Free version.

Ransomware Protection provides Premium/Premium Trial users protection 
against the threat of ransomware.  This protection is

not available for users of Windows XP or Windows Vista.  While all other 
protection features may provide some degree of protection

against ransomware, well–crafted ransomware may go undetected until it 
attempts to initiate its attack.  As many computer users

have found, there is little or no remedy available after the fact.  We 
strongly recommend that ransomware protection be turned

on at all times.  It is on by default.  Please note that this option is 
disabled if you are using the Free version.

Scan Options

Scan for rootkits utilizes a specific set of rules and tests to determine if 
a rootkit is present on your computer.  For readers who are

unfamiliar with this term, an explanation may be handy.  A rootkit is 
malicious software that can be placed on a computer which

has the ability to modify operating system files in a manner that hides its 
presence.  Malware detection methods that rely on hooks

to the operating system for detection and analysis would prove ineffective 
if the hooks had been purposely manipulated by

malware.  Our testing method is more intensive and more effective, but 
including rootkit scans as part of your overall scan strategy

increases the time required to perform a scan.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 31

When Scan within archives is enabled, Malwarebytes will scan two levels deep 
within archive (ZIP, RAR, 7Z, CAB and MSI) files.  If

this option is disabled, the archive is excluded from scanning.  Please note 
that encrypted archives cannot be fully tested.

We have introduced a new signature–less detection technology which takes 
advantage of machine learning to supplement existing

detection methods.

Potential Threats

In addition to malicious software detection and elimination, Malwarebytes 
also detects and acts upon two classes of non–malware.

These are Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP's) and Potentially Unwanted 
Modifications (PUM's).  In many cases, PUP's appear

in the form of toolbars and other application software which are installed 
on your computer as part of a bundle.  You may have

asked for one application, and it came with a second application that was 
not mentioned, or was mentioned, but you did not

uncheck the checkbox next to it to prevent it from being installed at the 
same time.  You may also want and use the PUP.  We do

not judge the merit of the program or its usability.  We do offer a method 
of removing it if you choose to.

PUM's are a bit different.  These are modifications that are typically 
related to the Windows registry.  As a user, you will generally

not be making changes to the registry that would qualify as a PUM, though 
the possibility does exist.  Because it does, we allow

you to define your own rules when it comes to how they are treated.

With regard to both types of modifications, we provide three handling 
methods.  These are:

 • Ignore detections: Malwarebytes will not act on detection, nor will you 
be alerted.

 • Warn user: You will be alerted to the detection.  You may choose to 
ignore it, create an exclusion, or treat it as malware.

 • Always detect PUPs/PUMs (recommended): The detection will be treated as 
malware, and corrective actions will occur.

While PUP's and PUM's are both handled in the same manner, each is handled 
according to separate guidelines which you specify.


Users of Malwarebytes Premium and Malwarebytes Premium Trial have the 
ability to automatically check for protection updates,

and to specify when those checks will be performed.  The date range is 
adjustable between fifteen (15) minutes and fourteen (14)

days, the increment depending on the range (minutes/hours/days).  We 
recommend that you do not allow the rules database to

become dated, as much damage can be caused by zero–day infections – those 
threats that are too new to be adequately protected

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 32

against by anti–virus software.  The default for this feature is on.  You 
may also have Malwarebytes display a notification in the

corner of your screen if protection updates are more than 24 hours old.

Startup Options

These settings define how Malwarebytes behaves when your computer starts. 
You may launch several applications at startup, and

they may initiate processes which require Malwarebytes launch timing to be 
adjusted.  Let's look at each setting in detail.

 • Start Malwarebytes at Windows startup:  If this setting is unchecked, 
Malwarebytes will not start with Windows.  No real–

 time protection layers will start when Windows starts, though they may 
still be started manually by launching


 • Delay Real–Time Protection when Malwarebytes starts:  There may be times 
when the startup of system services used by

 Malwarebytes conflicts with services required by other applications at boot 
time.  When this is the case, turn this setting

 on.  You may also adjust the delay timing.  You will need to experiment 
with the specific delay setting necessary to

 compensate for any conflicts that are noted.  When required, this must be 
done on a case–by–case basis.  The delay setting

 is adjustable from 15–180 seconds, in increments of 15 seconds.

 • Enable self–protection module:  This setting controls whether 
Malwarebytes creates a safe zone to prevent malicious

 manipulation of the program and its components.  Checking this box 
introduces a one–time delay as the self–protection

 module is enabled.  While not a negative, the delay may be considered 
undesirable by some users.  When unchecked,

 the "early start" option which follows is disabled.

 • Enable self–protection module early start:  When self–protection is 
enabled, you may choose to enable or disable this

 option.  When enabled, the self–protection module will become enabled 
earlier in the computer's boot process –

 essentially changing the order of services and drivers associated with your 
computer's startup.

Automatic Quarantine

Users of Malwarebytes Premium and Malwarebytes Premium Trial may specify 
whether malware will be automatically quarantined

when it is detected.  The default setting is on.  If the users decline to 
automatically quarantine malware, a notification will display

in the lower right corner of the screen for each detection, and the user 
must specify whether the file is to be ignored once, ignored

always (added to Exclusions) or quarantined.

Scan Schedule

You may also adjust Scan Schedules here as part of program settings.  This 
aspect of program settings has already been covered

on pages 11–19.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 33


This tab allows additions to, or deletions from a list of items to be 
excluded from scans.  The list may include files, folders, websites,

applications which connect to the Internet, or previously detected exploits. 
A screenshot is shown below.

Add Exclusion

Exclusions are exempt from scanning and from real–time protection.  This may 
include files, folders, web sites, applications and

safe programs which have been identified as exploits.  Clicking Add 
Exclusion launches the Add Exclusion Wizard, as shown below.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 34

You may then add items – one at a time – to the list of exclusions.  Each 
item type is defined by criteria as follows:

 • File or folder: Its location on the file system, and whether it should be 
excluded from malware and ransomware, only

 malware or only ransomware.  While you may have your own reasons for 
excluding files or folders from scans, the primary

 reason for doing so is to prevent potential conflicts with anti–virus 
software. Malwarebytes works well alongside most

 anti–virus software, but anti–virus updates by some vendors may 
occasionally be flagged as a threat.  For this reason, we

 offer the provision for you to exclude certain disk content from scanning. 
This is commonly offered by anti–virus vendors

 as well.


 ● Clicking Select Folder… selects only folders, which by default will also 
exclude any files within those folders,

 as well as subfolders.

 ● Clicking Select Files… selects individual files for exclusion.  The 
status of the folder is unchanged.

 • Website: Enter the Domain or IP Address to specify the web address.  When 
adding a domain manually, please add it

 both with and without the "www." prefix.  Depending on several external 
factors, the domain may still be blocked if only

 one variation is entered.  Also, domain exclusions are only functional on 
Windows Vista Service Pack 2, Windows 7,

 Windows 8.x and Windows 10.  Please note: Exclusions can also be added by 
clicking the link in the notification message

 when the website is blocked by Malwarebytes Website Protection.

 • Application that connects to the Internet: Specify the name of the 
application.  This is most applicable if the detection is

 a false positive (legitimate application with some similar characteristics 
to malware).

 • Previously Detected Exploit: Specify the MD5 hash of the exploit.  This 
is most applicable if the detection is a false positive

 (legitimate application with some similar characteristics to malware).  The 
hash guarantees uniqueness of the file in


My Account

Here, you can click the Go to My Account button to obtain status of all of 
your subscriptions, and change preferences related to

your account.  You can also deactivate your license – useful when moving 
your Malwarebytes program to a new computer – or

change license key.  A screenshot is shown below.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 35

All of the information shown here is self–explanatory.  A set of option 
buttons are available at the bottom of the screen.  The options

vary depend on the mode of the program.  Buttons for the three program modes 
are shown below.

 Premium Mode


 Premium Trial Mode


 Free mode


 Free mode

 Options (*)

When Malwarebytes was installed, Premium Trial mode was set automatically 
(if you were eligible for a trial).  There may be

circumstances where you have the option of re–entering Premium Trial mode. 
This would result in the second Free mode display.

If you click the button Change License Key (Premium mode) or I Already Have 
a License (Premium Trial or Free mode), you will see

the following screen superimposed over the Malwarebytes interface.

 Follow screen instructions to enter your license

 information.  If you do not have a license, either

 press Cancel (to close this window and return to

 the screen you came from), or Purchase a License

 to go to the Malwarebytes website and purchase

 a license for the product.


This tab tells you more about Malwarebytes, and what resources are available 
to you should you need technical assistance.  The

upper panel contains Version Information.  We have split up the program into 
software components.  If you have configured the

program to provide program updates, it is easier and faster for us to 
provide the newest version to you by updating the

components that have changed, rather than updating the entire program.  It 
also benefits you if you need technical support,

because the versions of each component may influence the direction that our 
Customer Success engineers take when

troubleshooting an issue.

The Resources section provides contact addresses (URLs) which may assist you 
for sales, support, and educational purposes.  In

addition, you can view the third–party notices (open source software which 
we use in our products) as well as a link to our End User

Licensing Agreement (EULA).

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 36

Appendix A: Notification Window Examples

Malwarebytes provides a number of user notifications during operation. 
These notifications are always positioned in the lower

right corner of your screen.  The length of time that they will remain on 
your screen is configurable in Application Settings (page


Scan Notifications

 An automatic scan has been completed. Malware was

 detected during execution of the scan.  Click Upgrade Now

 to purchase Malwarebytes Premium. This notification will

 only appear for Malwarebytes Free users.

 A scan (scheduled or on–demand) has been completed.

 Malware was detected during execution of the scan.  Click

 View Scan Results to review the scan log to determine the

 exact nature of the threat(s).

 A scan (scheduled or on–demand) has been completed.

 Non–Malware was detected during execution of the scan.

 This is typically a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) or

 Potentially Unwanted Modification (PUM), which may be

 acceptable to you.  Click View Scan Results to review the

 scan log to determine the exact nature of the threat(s).

 A scan (scheduled or on demand) has been completed.  No

 problems were detected.

Real Time Protection Notifications

 After the user has indicated that they wish to turn off

 notifications regarding real–time protection components,

 this notification will be displayed to request confirmation

 of the user’s wishes.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 37

 One or more components of real–time protection are

 disabled.  You may re–enable protection by clicking Turn

 On button, or by clicking Manage Protection Settings.  This

 is not available for Malwarebytes free users.

 Malware has been detected as a function of real–time

 protection.  You have not chosen to exercise the auto–

 quarantine capability when malware has been detected,

 so no specific action has been taken.  The program now

 being detected as malware may be acceptable to you, so

 you may choose to allow its execution once, always, or

 elect to quarantine it at this time.  This is not available for

 Malwarebytes Free users.

 Real–time protection has detected a Potentially Unwanted

 Program (PUP).  You have not chosen to ignore this type of

 activity, or to exercise the auto–quarantine capability upon

 detection, so no specific action has been taken.  This

 detection may be acceptable to you, so you may choose to

 ignore it once, always, or elect to quarantine it at this time.

 This is not available for Malwarebytes Free users.

 Malware has been detected as a function of real–time

 protection.  You have chosen to exercise the auto–

 quarantine capability when malware has been detected,

 so the offending software has been moved to quarantine

 and modified so that it may not cause any damage to your


 A Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) has been detected

 as a function of real–time protection.  You have chosen to

 exercise the auto–quarantine capability when a PUP has

 been detected, so the offending software has been moved

 to quarantine and modified so that it may not cause any

 damage to your computer.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 38

 An attempt has been made by software present on your

 computer to contact a website suspected to be malicious,

 and has been blocked.  This detection occurred as a

 function of real–time protection.  You may allow access by

 clicking Manage Exclusions, which will redirect you to the

 Exclusions screens.

 Please note: Unblocking a website out of convenience may

 result in damage being caused to your computer.

 Anti–exploit protection has prevented an attacker from

 exploiting your computer through a vulnerability.

 Anti–ransomware protection has prevented an attacker

 from exploiting your computer with suspected

 ransomware.  The threat has been neutralized and moved

 to Quarantine.

 After threats have been quarantined, your computer must

 be rebooted to complete the quarantine process, and this

 notification is displayed.  After assuring that other work is

 saved, click Reboot Now to perform that task.

Update Notifications

 A program update for Malwarebytes is available.  Click

 Install Now to get the latest program protection.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 39

 Your Malwarebytes updates are out of date.  Click Update

 Now to cause an immediate update.  Failure to update will

 cause subsequent scans to use outdated protection rules,

 which could jeopardize the safety of your computer.

Premium Notifications

 If you do not have auto–renewal set up on your

 Malwarebytes account, you will begin to see this message

 thirty (30) days before the expiration of your subscription,

 counting down the number of days remaining on your

 subscription. Click Renew Now button to renew your

 subscription in a new browser window/tab.

 If you do not have auto–renewal set up on your

 Malwarebytes account, this notification is displayed on the

 final day of your subscription.  Click Renew Now button to

 renew your subscription in a new browser window/tab.

 If you do not have auto–renewal set up on your account

 and have not responded to pending expiration, you will

 see this notification a maximum of three times after your

 subscription has expired.  At this point, you have reverted

 to the free version of Malwarebytes.  Premium features

 have been disabled.  Click Upgrade Now to renew your

 subscription in a new browser window/tab.  A slightly

 different version of this notification appears within the

 Malwarebytes user interface.

 This notification is displayed if your subscription cannot be

 renewed.  Usually the reason for this is an expired

 credit/debit card.  You will be given an opportunity to

 update your card information, and your subscription will

 remain in force for a brief period.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 40

 Your subscription has expired and could not be

 automatically renewed.  Your Malwarebytes service has

 been downgraded from Premium to Free.  You can still run

 scans for protection, though real–time protection is no

 longer in force.

Premium Trial Notifications

 Beginning five days before your Premium trial expires, you

 will receive a notification once per day about the expiring

 trial, and be given an opportunity to upgrade to Premium

 or to enter your Premium license information.

 On the last day of your Premium trial, you will receive a

 single notification, and be given an opportunity to

 upgrade to Premium or to enter your Premium license


 After your Premium trial expires, you will receive this

 notification in the Malwarebytes user interface as well as in

 the Windows system tray.

Malwarebytes for Windows User Guide 41

Take care.  Mike.  Go Dodgers!
Sennt from my iBarstool.
Arguing with a woman is like reading a software license agreement.  In the 
end you have to ignore everything, & click I agree. 
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