Hi Lisa,

In my opinion, I found Winamp 5.35 was the most stable of the versions 

The new version tries to install extras like Winamp Remote and stuff like 
that for IPods and the like, which I think is a useless piece of junk, but 
that's only my opinion.

I have uploaded version 5.35 to Send Space for another list I'm on, and 
posted the installation instructions for Winamp for blind users that I've 
included with the link below.

Feel free to download and use the instructions on how to install it for 
blind users.

***Original Message***

here is Version 5.35, in my
opinion, the most stable version of Winamp out there.

No worries about any extra software to install or anything.

The instructions on how to install Winamp for blind users is pasted
below the download link.

If anyone has any questions on the program or the installation
instructions, please let me know.

You can get Winamp version 5.35 at the following link:


Instructions for Installing Winamp for the blind user:

First and foremost, when you install Winamp, make sure you tell it to
do a full installation.  Why you should do this will become evident

Once you've indicated that it should do a full install, tab down to
the list, and Jaws should read that all of the items in the list are
checked except for one, that being the Winamp main program.  The
reason I said that you should do a full install, is because in
previous versions of Winamp, the install process wasn't 100%
accessible.  While it would read the items in the list, whether the
item was checked or not wasn't reported by Jaws, no matter what you
did, so I devised a way to get around that.

I would tell Winamp to do a full install, that way, everything in the
list would be checked by default, so I knew that when I pressed the
spacebar, it would automatically uncheck the checkbox and everything
under that heading.

Another trick was if I used the Jaws cursor and examined the graphic
number beside a checked item, then pressed the spacebar, then checked
the graphic number again, if it changed and was different from the
other numbers  on the list, I knew I had that item unchecked.

Granted, the whole Jaws cursor thing wasn't that reliable, but it
worked for me, while it may not work for everybody.

Now, after you've indicated to do a full install, as I said, all the
items in the list should be checked, except for the first item that
says Winamp required.  This one isn't checked because there's no need
to check it, as that is the main program.

There are some things in here that you should uncheck, so if Jaws
isn't reading that the items are checked, once you land on the
particular item, just press the spacebar once, then arrow down to the
next item to uncheck it.

The items that should be unchecked are:

Winamp Agent

Modern Skin Support

Video Support * Keep in mind that this is a personal setting of mine,
but it is up to you whether you want Winamp to play videos or not*

Now that you've unchecked the items above, tab to the next button,
and in the following screen you'll encounter a list of items that
Winamp wants to do, and you have to indicate whether you want Winamp
to do it or not.

This is another checked list, however, something I noticed with this
version that I haven't seen in any other version, is the existence of
a smart install engine.  What I mean by this, is that in previous
versions of the Winamp install, no matter what you unchecked in the
previous window, the items on the second list were always checked, so
you had to uncheck them manually.  That is not the case in this
version.  In this version, the items that you unchecked in the first
window, were unchecked in the second window.

Now, that isn't to say that this will happen on all computers, maybe
this was a fluke chance on my computer's part, but a sure way to tell
if the item is not checked, and Jaws isn't reporting that it is or
not, is to run your Jaws cursor over the first item in the list, and
keep in mind the graphic number.  This item is always checked by
default, so after you've heard the graphic number and committed it to
memory, go back to the PC cursor, and press the spacebar on that same
first item, then go back to the item with the Jaws cursor and listen
to the graphic number.  When you uncheck an item in the list, that
same graphic number should appear before every item on the list.  So
what this means is to listen to the graphic numbers after you've gone
down the list and make sure that it's the graphic number that is
associated with the unchecked characteristic and not the checked one.

Now, as for this second list, the following items should be unchecked:

Quick Launch Icon *This should be unchecked if your Quick Launch menu
is disabled and keep in mind, that if you've disabled your Quick
Launch menu, this check box might unchecked by default, so if Jaws
isn't reading the item state, whether it is checked or not, refer to
the explanation above.*

System Tray Icon/Agent

Associate with Video files *Remember, this one is a preference, you
may feel different*

E-music Icon  and Offer for 50 MP3s

Once you've made sure that the above items are unchecked, tab to the
next button and press the spacebar.  On the next window, tab straight
down to the next button, unless you want to change the default
installation directory that Winamp will be installing to, and press
the spacebar.

The next window asks whether you want Winamp to be installed as in
past ways with separate accounts, or with shared preferences.

What this essentially means is that if you have someone else who uses
the computer, each person can have Winamp set up in their own way.
For example, each can have their own equalizer settings and presets
loaded, or a particular playlist, or plug-in.

Personally, I think that you should do a shared install, which means
that everyone on the account will have the same preferences and that
each user will have to apply their own equalizer settings every time
they open Winamp.  I would go with the shared settings because it's a
real hassle to have to keep setting it.

Suffice it to say, you'll have to find out what is more appropriate
for your household.

Once you've made the selection, tab down to the next button, and
press the spacebar.

The next window asks you about your internet connection.  One thing
you should do later, depending on whether you choose to ignore this
window or not, is go into the Winamp preferences, and uncheck the
item that says send user information to Nullsoft.  I don't know how
you feel, but I don't like anyone knowing how much I use their
products, whether that product is free or not.

If, on the window above, you indicate that you're computer is not
connected to the internet, that particular item will not be enabled
by default.  Having said that though, I would make sure, after the
installation  is done, by going into your preferences, and making
sure that the checkbox is unchecked.

Once you've made your selection, tab down, and you'll land on a combo
box.  Here, you will indicate what language Winamp should be
installed with.  You should arrow up and /or down to your appropriate
language, and tab to the next button.

In the next window, if you've done everything right up until this
point, the next selection should be automatically checked by
default.  It will ask you which skin you would like to install and
set as the default.  For those not familiar with skins, a skin is a
particular look that Winamp displays for sighted people, that gives
the program a certain themed look.

I've seen some pretty cool skins in my time, including a skin with
Superman on it, but this feature is primarily for sighted users, and
all it does for blind users is make Winamp, almost completely
useless, so you should select the item that says "Classic Skin for
slower PCs and improved accessibility" and tab to the install button,
then press the spacebar.

At this point, the program will install and launch automatically, but
you can close the program down once it's installed.

Something I do, and this is completely optional, is I restart my
computer after the installation just to make sure the file
associations took and that the computer is set to the specifications
I want it to be set at.

Some people will say that I'm being overly cautious, some will say
this is not necessary, but, like I said, this is my preference, and I
do it by choice.

I believe this is it for the installation of Winamp, so if you have
any other questions, feel free to ask.

Blind Movie Buffs List

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