Maybe you can try to find out the title or subtitle of what you need to read
and do a search for that word or words, instead of searching for the page

If you have access to a flat bed scanner, scan the pages in yourself through
the MS-Word scanning feature.  Take your book to class and bring some
paperclips or sticky notes.  Mark the first and last pages of the assigned


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Flor Lynch
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Web search, and book reading?

The class is using the print copy?  Also, there are different editions of it
on the Web.  Your best bet may be - if you can't get a printed copy of their
book and don't have OCR - to download a .pdf version of what they're using
(if such can be procured) and use it as the basis for pagination purposes,
at least.  (The .pdf might be a more accurate rendering of the printed book.

HTML, being computer based and on the computer screen, cannot really be.) As
I said, there are different editions of the CCC on the Web; one of which -
for instance - is that of the Knights of Columbus.

I have searched for and hlooked at some of the Google results.  You might
profit from doing the same or a similar search and spending some time
investigating what you get.

----- Original Message -----
From: "rcham27" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008 9:05 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Web search, and book reading?

Hi all;
  I have XP home and 9.0

For an adult study, I have assigned pages of a book to read.
The book is the "Catholic catechism".
I can pull up the book on the web, but can not find how to get to the
appropriate page number.

The class is mild and only a few pages are assigned each week. I feel the
readings will be scattered throughout the book.

My question is how to locate the page number of this particular book.

I have been able to find the table of contents but no page number is listed.
Also, as I read through the book, I have no idea what page I am on.
I have tried using the JAWS key to navigate the site but no page number is

Thank you for any help.

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