Ok. I've not posted in a while so here goes.


I just got my computer back up and running and I installed jaws 9. Problem:
the chat window in skype won't read even though I installed the scripts. It
says blank blank blank. I've maxed the window and about 10% of the time that
works. The back space key says space instead of the letter. The arrows say
blank and the up and down arrows say not all of the message. Example. If I

Hi there, How are you.


It might say 

"hi t"

Or something like that or it might string words together.


Now the outlook thing.  I tried to read something in outlook and it showed
the skype window even though it was gone. I had to close and reopen outlook
to get it to display correctly.

 This with outlook version 2003. Also sometimes my system tray will say "no
sleected item. So now I don't know what do do. I've tried repairing jaws
with no effects




Sarah and Gatsby

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