Hi Alice, this is a little involved but this is how I had to do it to filter 
messages into a folder. If there is a shorter way, perhaps someone can fill 
us both in on it. Till then, here is what I did.

First make a folder named JAWS USERS Group or whatever you want it to be.
To do so press control shift E, type JAWS USERSGroup then tab and arrow up 
to Local folders, then hit enter.

Open the Tools menu and scroll down and click on message rules. Then  click 
on mail. Note: if you already have at least one message rule setup then you 
will need to tab over to the new button and hit the space bar. Either way 
the rest is the same no matter if this is your first rule or not. Next arrow 
down until you hear where the subject line contains specific words and press 
the space bar to check the box.

Tab once to the Actions list. You will hear "Move it to the specified 
folder. Again, press the space bar to check that box.

Tab once to the rules description dialog and down arrow one time. You will 
hear where the subject line contains specific words. Hit enter. Type in 

Tab one time to Add and press enter.

Now tab until you hear OK and press enter. You will be back at the rules 
description dialog.

Now down arrow two times and you will hear specified.

Hit enter. Now you will up or down arrow until you hear the name of your 
folder spoken, JAWS USERS Group

Tab over to Ok and hit enter.

Now tab once and hit the back space till the edit field is empty, give the 
Rule a name such as JAWS USERS Group

Now tab to ok and hit enter.

Tab to the apply button and hit enter.

enter on the OK button Then on close.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jaws-users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 12:51 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] test

I created a message rule that all messages from this mailing list are moved 
to a spesific folder, it does not seem to work, I'll try it this time.
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