Being a verizon fios tech. I can tell you that it does nothing to the
configuration of your box. not sure how accessible the security
software is with jaws, but all you got with fios was a faster connection.
At 07:13 PM 10/28/2008, you wrote:
Hi All,
Recently I had Verizon FIOS installed. Now when I click on a link
Jaws does nothing. I hit my right mouse button and arrow down to
"open in a new window", which works. However, I when to the
vipconduit website to access Yahoo news, but when I hit on the
button to display the article, again, JAWS does nothing. I follow
this list and I've seen that JAWS 10 will be out soon. Does anyone
have any suggestions about what I can do to repair my current
version of JAWS 9 or does this appear to be a problem created by the
recent installation of FIOS on my computer? I've considered a system
restore, but would this then create another problem for me with the
Verizon programs that were just installed? In earlier versions,
there was a repair JAWS function. I haven't seen that in the latest
version of JAWS. This situation is extremely frustrating to say the
least. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Jo Luland
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Hallsworth"
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 6:12 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Possible Minor Bug with JAWS 10 Latest Beta
Hi all, before I definitely report this to Freedom Scientific, has
anyone experienced a bit of a strange problem? I use Windows Mail
for my e-mail, and I have messages read in HTML. It would appear
that from time to time JAWS treats any links in an e-mail message
as plain text, rather than allowing us to click on them. However,
if I escape out of the message and re-open it, the links appear and
behave fine. I do not recall this happening with the other betas,
nor have I experienced this with JAWS 9. Just want your views
before I post to Freedom Scientific, because I hear JAWS 10 is on
its way to final production and I would hate this minor but
annoying bug to appear in a final release. Thanks in advance for
any comments regarding this.
Chris Hallsworth
skype: chrishallsworth7266
klango: chrishallsworth
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