I made the switch from Office 2000 to Office 2007 in January with JAWS 9,
and recently upgraded to JAWS 10.
I have found that JAWS 9 works very well with Office 2007, and JAWS 10
resolved a problem I had reading in Access.
Perhaps the biggest issue in making the switch to Office 2007 is the
change to ribbon menus.
Please encourage your people that using Office 2007 is very doable.
There is a learning curve with the change to ribbon menus.
Many of the key strokes are the same as previous versions.
Alt T, plus S, still puts you in the spell checker.
Alt O, plus C still opens the columns menu window.
Alt O, plus F still brings up the font window.
I urge new users of Office 2007 to set aside some time to explore.
Then, as they discover how to access the commands they need to use,
prepare a "cheat sheet" to which they can go back to, until the commands
are committed to memory.
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