I'm wondering why you say this about windows defender. I went and downloaded it 
onto my XP computer. Is it a resource hog? Its only popped up once to catch 
anything since I downloaded it like three months ago so perhaps its not that 
good? Its usually my free AVG that catches things. Just curious what you 
perceive the downfalls are of windows defender if its installed on something 
other than a vista machine.
Kate> Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 13:50:05 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com> Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] anti spy ware?> > i 
use all free programs never a problem. Just cause it does not cost > does not 
mean it is bad.> on the contrary some paid programs are not advised, like 
norton who > seriously messes with your system and is a resource hog.> For me I 
find the best all around protection is as follows:> 1 AVAST Virus detection. It 
does not use a lot of resources, has > announced updates,detection files 
packages, therefore updates real fast. > does not slow the pc while it does and 
has very good protection for > email clients and so forth already coming with 
it.FREE> 2 Spybot search and destroy. Again a very reliable program. does not 
use > a single byte of ram unless you run it with tea timer. very good > 
protection against spy ware.> To anyone saying it slows your system, do NOT 
install the realtime > protection tea timer. instead just run the program on a 
regular basis to > hunt for intruders.That is the only time it will use any 
resources then.FREE> 3 Windows Firewall. Comes with your OS and is all you 
really for > firewall if you are a home pc user. does the job well.> > So there 
you have it. If you have a modern pc you can run windows > defender also, since 
it is integrated with vista but I personally would > not go out of my way to go 
out the site to download if you are not a > vista user.> > Also on a regular pc 
I would recommend at least 1 gig of ram. if you are > running less, then 
defender and stuff will make your system slower, > because let's face it the 
times where 512 of ram was state of the art > are long gone and programs are 
getting better all the time but the cost > is they need a bit more power to do 
their job good, especially if you > are running more than one application at a 
time. ram is cheap so upgrade > when you get a chance.> > regards> chrissy> > > 
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