Hello all,

This weekend, I had to reformat a computer with Windows xp Media Center.
I had been using Jaws 9 and I had a version of Jaws 8 on the computer.
I did not uninstall either version before reformatting.  I tried
reloading Jaws 9, but got a fatal error that kept Jaws from loading.  I
instead loaded Jaws 10.

Now, every time I start up Jaws, I get the indication that I need to
load the video intercept.  No matter how many times I've tried, I keep
getting the error.  The video intercept is listed in Add/Remove so I
know it's there.  Jaws still talks and I can access the controls on the
error message, but I'd really like to get rid of this thing.

Any suggestions?  I suppose I could delte Jaws 10.  find a "good" copy
of Jaws 9, reinstall that and properly delete that and do the same with
Jaws 8 to get down to a bare computer, but that seems like a bit of

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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