Hi, I had mentioned that I was using alternative keys on my keyboard to do the 
work I'm doing more efficiently. I recently got a microsoft natural urgonomic 
4000 keyboard. It's one of the split keyboards. The issue I'm running into is 
that this keyboard doesn't have a right windows key. It only has the left 
windows key. On the right side it only has the alt, application, and control 
keys. For some of my newer keystrokes I was using the windows keys 
interchangeably. Now, I have had to change some things around again since I 
can't even use the application key as a valid part of a key combination in the 
JAWS keyboard manager. Because of this I have switched a few keystrokes around 
to accomodate the issues. There are two keystrokes however, that I need to 
occasionally access with one hand. The problem is that these two keystrokes 
employ the windows key, which is now a left handed key only and then a couple 
of the letter keys further off to the righthand side of the keyboard. My 
thought is to possibly make an alternative keystroke for these two commands, 
one of them being my current keystroke, and another keystroke which would 
employ the alt key instead of the windows key. Doing this would allow me to 
press the right alt key along with either letter to execute the tasks which 
were assigned to the two respective windows key combinations.
I saw this concept used at least a couple times within the default keyboard 
manager itself by freedom scientific. For example, moving forward or back a 
word has two active, valid key commands. My newest key command is listed first, 
and then the command which uses insert left arrow or right arrow is listed 
right after.
Does adding an active alternative keystroke like this for a particular command 
of my choosing take scripting know-how? If it does is there a specific learning 
tutorial I can use that is directly related to such a task as the one I've 
described above? Either that, or is there anyone on this list who might be 
confident enough to walk me through this process. I only have 2 keystrokes for 
which I'd like to make alternatives.
Thanks for any help or suggestions you might have to offer.
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