I agree that dragging and dropping is a much needed feature, some programs
will only allow you to access features if you can drag and drop  files into
their interface.

Unfortunately it appears that dragging and dropping seems to be  very poorly
implemented, in Jaws 8 at least. When I received some training back in 2006
from sight and Sound in the UK they told me that they were unable to support
training in dragging and dropping. They said that this was because the
feature only actually worked in a tiny number of circumstances.  The
circumstances it will work applied exclusively to Windows Explorer and could
not be usefully used with other programs.  So it was considered not actually
a useful feature to provide training in.

The situation may have improved with later versions of Jaws but I have not
checked this out.

NVDA, the freeware screenreader provides the ability to hear what is under
the mouse cursor and there is some audible feedback when you move the mouse
about the screen. You may be able to cobble together some techniques using
these NVDA  features but I have not tried this.


David Griffith

My Low Vision Resources Web Site  is 

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