In jaws 9 I used to be able to go to websites and hit the number 3 to
get to various heading levels associated with the number 3, such as
google results. Now as I am using jaws 10, I cannot go straight to the
first level 3 heading on the page if there are other level one or level
two headings before the level 3 heading. Why is this? It's not as much
a hastle on google as I only have to hit the number 1, then the number
two then the number three to get to the first search result, but it's
still less efficient. It's even more complicated on other websites such
as on my blog website. Just to get to my blog, which is at a level 2
heading, I have to hit a 1 and then a 2 just to get past some other
preliminary stuff on my page, and then because there's another level
one heading that appears before my blog begins, I have to hit the
number one again and then number two again before arriving at the area
of my blog. With Jaws 9 I only ever had to hit the number 2 twice and
then I was at the blog.

On another frequently visited website, there's about six level one
headings before I come to the only heading level 2 is on the page. I
cannot simply start at the top of the page and press the number to to
find my place easily and quickly. I have to either use the insert f6
key and scroll through everything or i have to hit the number one six
times before it will even acknowledge that the level two heading even

As I continue around the web, this problem keeps slowing me down every
time. I've tried repairing jaws and nothing is helping the problem. Has
Freedom scientific just stopped supporting their former ease of heading
navigation now or something? Anyone else noticed this at all? Any work
around or setting I could try changing so this isn't happening to me?

Thanks for any feedback you might have.


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