Hello there;
I sent this message earlier, but, I'm not sure if it made it's way to the list.

hello Donnie;

give these steps a try;

1, open jaws configuration manager;
insert+6=jaws configuration manager.

2, ctrl+shift+d=default.

3, alt+s=set options,

4, you can down arrow until you hear,
speech and sounds manager....
or, you could just press the letter M.

5, now tab and enter on, edit current scheme button...

6, now ctrl+tab until you hear;
atributes page.

7, if you land in a list view, press the letter s until you hear,
tab one time, and use the down arrow key to select,

8, now tab ok, press enter.

9, again tab to ok, press enter.

10, say yes to the changes.

I hope this helps you.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Donnie Parrett" <deparr...@prtcnet.org>
To: "JAWS-Users" <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 11:11 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS & Superscript

I would appreciate it if someone would read the devotional below and let me
know if you are having
the same problem that I am having.  It seems to be that everywhere there is
an apostrophe, JAWS is
saying the word "superscript."  I would love to know how to stop JAWS from
doing that.  Thanks for
your help.

Here is the devotional.

Daily E-Votional
Thursday, Mar. 19
John 8:21-32

I am continually reminded of the power of a Christian community. Especially
at the time of loss, one¹s community of faith help the heartbroken find
their way thru the difficult time. Personally, I don¹t know what I would
have done without my faith or my community of faith in all of the things
I¹ve been thru in life. I think that my children have learned the same
thing. The Christian community becomes the support we need to hold us up
when it feels like we have nothing left to give. The Christian community
just falls into action and is ready to step up and do their part when they
see a brother or sister hurting. It may be through the gift of meals or just
spending time listening. It doesn¹t take years of college or special degrees
to act in love toward those who are hurting. Today and tomorrow I will be
officiating at two services of witness to the resurrection. As I watch the
love of the congregation spill over and around those who are hurting, it
just makes me proud of the community of faith.

23 Jesus said, ³You¹re tied down to the mundane; I¹m in touch with what is
beyond your horizons. You live in terms of what you see and touch. I¹m
on other terms. 24 I told you that you were missing God in all this.
You¹re at
a dead end. If you won¹t believe I am who I say I am, you¹re at the dead
of sins. You¹re missing God in your lives.²

For some, maybe most, seeing is believing. If there is not hard and fast
proof, it is difficult to wrap our heads around what is and what isn¹t. The
disciples were confused with the messages Jesus was giving. Some of it
sounded so out there; outside of their own experiences. Two thousand years
later, we are still a people who want hard and fast evidence.
When have you been in a very rough place in life? Who were the people who
stayed in touch with you? What are some of the things they did to try to
make you feel better? When have you been overwhelmed with the care that
others have given you? When have you witnessed a friend being in need? What
sort of ways did you try to comfort them? Who are some people you know who
are in need of your support this day?   Have a day!

For the Confirmation Group:  If church people showed up at your house, would
you be glad to see them or worried that they were going to do something
weird? When have you seen church people help others? In what ways do you
think you might be able to help a woman who is elderly and who lives alone?
Do you believe that a church exists to serve you or a church exists to serve

In Conversation with a child today:     Ask a child to tell you what things
they can do to help their neighbors

Prayers for our soldiers and others fighting for our country:  Daniel, Brad
Gregory, Diane & Rob Schenk, Marcus Hadfield, 2LT Ashley Gilles & CPT Kevin
Gilles, John Clark, Jeremiah, David Smith, Bruce McPherson, Heather, First
Lieutenant Colin R LeBeau, FC2 Jesse King (Navy)

Remember in Prayer:  Caleb & Family, Kristen & teaching team, Madagascar and
church, Cindy, Lynn¹s mom, Family & friends of Roger, Ernest, Alice & mom,
Laura and baby, Weston, Vicki, Denise and baby Matthew, Glenn, Floyd, Brent,
Emily, Vivian, Shawna, Barbara, Sarah and family, Bob, Jeffrey, Bellinger
family in their loss, Lucien, Mildred, Lisa, Jill, Sharon and Kay and Mike,
Pete & Betty, Carol, Marge, Troy and family, Rick and Derita PC, Mary¹s
family and friends, Family and friends of Morgan, Jennifer, Joyce, Bubba,
Ken and family, Amy, Cynthia, Char,  Mary Scott, Jim, Catherine, AJ,
Sharlene, Ann, Liam & Jacob & parents, Eunice
Prayer Request:  Hi, Lucia!  Please, prayers for 4 yr. old Caleb and his
family.  They aren't sure what is wrong and he is going through a series of
tests! - Fern
Prayer Request:  Prayers for Kristen and the rest of the team of teachers
going to the conference in New Orleans.

Prayer:     We love you, O God, and we thank you for surrounding us with
your love today. For our brothers and sisters who are hurting, we ask for
your presence with them. Help us to reach out to others and extend your love
in all that we do and say. Amen

Your E-Votional Servant

© 2009 Lucia Oerter
All rights reserved

Scripture from The Message Bible

8:21 Then he went over the same ground again. ³I¹m leaving and you are
to look for me, but you¹re missing God in this and are headed for a dead
There is no way you can come with me.²
22 The Jews said, ³So, is he going to kill himself? Is that what he means
OYou can¹t come with me¹?²
23 Jesus said, ³You¹re tied down to the mundane; I¹m in touch with what is
beyond your horizons. You live in terms of what you see and touch. I¹m
on other terms. 24 I told you that you were missing God in all this.
You¹re at
a dead end. If you won¹t believe I am who I say I am, you¹re at the dead
of sins. You¹re missing God in your lives.²
25 They said to him, ³Just who are you anyway?²
Jesus said, ³What I¹ve said from the start. 26 I have so many things to
that concern you, judgments to make that affect you, but if you don¹t
the trustworthiness of the One who commanded my words and acts, none of it
matters. That is who you are questioning > 27 They still didn¹t get it,
didn¹t realize that he was referring to the
Father. 28 So Jesus tried again. ³When you raise up the Son of Man, then
will know who I am > Father taught me. 29 The One who sent me stays with
me. He doesn¹t abandon me.
He sees how much joy I take in pleasing him.²
30 When he put it in these terms, many people decided to believe.
31 Then Jesus turned to the Jews who had claimed to believe in him. ³If
stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for
sure. 32
Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free

A ministry at First Presbyterian Church in Pontiac, IL ­    209 W.
Livingston St. Pontiac, IL 61764   (815) 844-7904
Sunday worship begins at 9:30 a.m.  ....... Come join us in worship

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