Good evening,

That's really to bad, since I hear that Rosetta is the best language learning application available. I believe that it is even used by the U.S. Marines. I wonder if this falls under section 508 accessibility because of it's procurement and use by the US government. It would be nice if tis, or any other quality language learning application could be made accessible with a large enough request by the disability community.


On 27-Mar-09, at 1:43 AM, Donald Marang wrote:

Good evening,

I prodded around the disk and had no success playing or extracting any of the clips. That would not even come close to the rich interactive experience my daughter had, including a microphone to rate your pronunciation. The clips are very short and I thin they are protected. Based on my limited view with Magic, I got the impression of a Mac type interface. The demo was impressive, but the software is expensive!

Don Marang

----- Original Message ----- From: "E.J. Zufelt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Question about using any of the RosettaStonelanguagetutorials.

Good evening,

Can you tell if the video clips are accessible either from the installation media or on the harddrive without using the application?


On 26-Mar-09, at 11:30 PM, Donald Marang wrote:

I have installed Rosetta Stone for my daughter. It plays most of its video clips in QuickTime. It is completely unusable with JAWS.

Don Marang

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Question about using any of the Rosetta Stonelanguagetutorials.

Good afternoon everyone,

Has anyone on this list, had success using any of the Rosetta Stone language tutorials?My girlfriend received her's for learning spanish, we put the disk in the computer and got the following message. Rosetta stone demo . I pressed the enter key, and no go. I then tried the aplications key and arrowed down too the play option. You guessed it, no go there either. The disk drive spins, but there's no audio. Also, if there are instructions on how too get the audio version of the disk too play, How does one get too the language of choice that's on the disk. Since it's a demo, there are different languages for listening too, in order too get an idea of how the emersion of the language that you want too learn that's on it.

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