Hi Folks,

Anyone have any idea what a land mark is on a web page?

I'm assuming it has something to do with it's navigation or some such, but a 
site I've been accessing on a daily basis for the last year or so seems to have 
screwed up to the point that I can't access it the way I used to.

For example, one of the data tables that house the message lists are not 
displaying properly, and I can't click on some of the links, particularly in my 
mail options page, which is important to me and how I view my mail.

Some of you may be familiar with this change as I have noticed it on Yahoo's 
mail servers page.

Those with an A T & T/SBC Global account may notice this type of change.

Can anyone tell me if this is related to Internet Explorer 8 or not, or whether 
this is yahoo's fault, as I have noticed that they tend to make changes to 
their website without our consultation.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


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