Hi Al,
Yes, your messages are making it to the list just fine.
In fact, this one didn't come to Dave and I, it is on the list.
Richard Q. Justice-list moderator
----- Original Message -----
From: "Albert Cutolo" <acut...@nyc.rr.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 11, 2009 8:31 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Question from Al,as too whether or not my question
about the Acer netbook computergot too either of the jaws-users list,or the
blind computer-users list.
Hello to Both David and Rick.
I am just checking to ask, if my question about the Acer netbook computer
that I was interested in purchasing, reached the blind computing list, or
the jaws users list, or both. If not, could either of you forward my
question, too both lists just in case? also, just for the purposes of
having the right email address for the blind computing list, could you
please email me the correct email addressfor the blind computing list
please? I'm not sure that I have the correct email address for that list
in my address book, so that's why I'm asking, just too make sure. I'll
paste the message below, so that you may forward it if you think its
alright too ask on both of your lists. Thanks in advance too both of
Good afternoon everyone.
About two hours ago, I went into pc Richards to ask them if they carry the
Acer netbook computer. When I tried asking the sailsmen there what was
the differents between the Acer 9 and 10 inch screen, and whether or not,
how many gigs does it have, as i was primarily interested in finding
out, if I could get it with two gigs of memory, or would I have the
ability too up grade it to too gigs of memory at some later point in time.
All he could tell me was, that it comes with a 160 hard storage hard
drive, and that he'd have too go and check out the specs of the computer
too find out the answers. My questions too all of you are as follows.
How much does a 160 hard drive storage, equate too the amount of gigs of
memory that the netbook computer has. If its a 9, or 10 inch screen,
how much of the batteries power will last. I mean by this, will I get
5, or 7 hours of battery power before the power runs out, or gets turned
off. Next, if I turn off the screen, how much longer will the batteries
power last, before the netbook runs out. Do you all think, that if I were
too get it with windows vista ultimate addition with the latest
version of media senter on it, will this netbook computer with the
two different specsthat I've mentioned here, will it allow me too put on
it all that i'd like too put on it, as well as putting on it at
somepoint in the future, system access moble network? Will I be able too
install jaws 10 on it as well? I was possibly thinking of purchasing it
from them, because I have a $150.00 gift card that I can apply towards the
purchase price of the netbook. Where as if I go through lets say, Amazon,
I could maybe save any shipping chargesthat might be applied. What's
everyone's opinion?
Too be perfectly honest, sometimes I find that as a person who is totally
blind, the sails people don't seem too take us verry seriously, as they
might as when a person has sight. When you go into these large
department stores where a lot of electronic items are sold such as
computers, netbooks, and other things, there are far too many people
trying too ask specific questions of the computer technisions, and not
enough sails help, and not enough technisions too serve the amount of
people, who maybe waiting on verry long lines, just too get the answers
that they need. This is why I try verry hard, too stay away from stores
like best buy, Pc richards, circuit city when it was in business, and
the wyz, when that store was in business as well. When I make a purchase
of this kind, I want too put my hands on it, and ask the appropriate
questions, Which your not able too do when you purchase things like this
on line.
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