How about that for a subject line, but really wanting to come close to 
explaining an issue that has come up in Jaws 10 only.  I mentioned this one 
other time, here or on another list, but it's now happening again--only this 
time with a different month of the year abbreviation.  Seems to only happen 
while looking down the list of emails and their subjects, and hope I can 
explain it well enough.  If a name is something like Mary or Mark, Jaws says it 
as March twan and then the last letter of the name.  Now it's doing it with 
names beginning with Jan.  If the name is Janet, Jaws says January twan et.  It 
thinks M A R names or now J A N names are supposed to be spoken as full months 
of the year, like January and then adding the et sound for Janet.  How do I get 
Jaws to stop thinking these first 3 letters are to be spoken as months, and not 
as the actual letters M a R or J A N?  Thanks for any feedback.
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