For some messages you will need to do an alt H, followed by the letter x and then the letter v.
This will open your browser to read the message.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Shane Hecker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:50 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] outlook 2007 question

When I try to read a message in outlook 2007, sometimes jaws won't read it. It will just read the top of the message where the pictures are. An example of a message that jaws has problems with is at the bottom of this message. I can't use the pc cursor to get past this. The only way is to use the jaws cursor, go past the pictures and into the text, then click. Then jaws will read the message. What's strange is when I check the status line. It will read part of the text in the message. I tried resetting the views as per the technical support bulletin but this doesn't help. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did you fix it?

ps: Outlook express reads the message just fine. Running windows xp sp3.

     Cockroach on the Keyboard
     November 13th, 2009
     by Muriel Larson

Don't face life's unexpected challenges alone! Contact an online mentor today to talk about faith, life, or whatever is on your mind.

As church pianist I started to play the introduction for the choir during the morning service. After several measures, I glanced at the keyboard and was so startled that I almost missed a beat. There, on middle D, lay a stunned cockroach flailing its legs. Obviously it had run into the path of my flying fingers.

What could I do? Gritting my teeth, I went on, gingerly trying to avoid middle D, but not always able to do so. (The choir number would be in the Key of D!) Finally, halfway through the first verse I was able to flick the now-deceased roach onto the floor. (Well, that's one way to kill a roach!)

Some problems we may face are not so easily resolved as a cockroach on a keyboard. They might not be brushed off during the first phase of the situation. We may have to live with them longer than the first verse. But I have learned that if I just keep looking to the Lord for grace and trusting Him with a problem, He takes care of it one way or another.

Sometimes as we pray, He shows us ways to make the situation easier, as I did by avoiding the "middle" D while I played. Sometimes He shows us how to deal with the situation, as I did by flicking that roach to the floor during a whole note in the melody. (Thank heavens for piano "hold" foot pedals!)

Then during or after the resolving of the problem, there's the cleanup. After church I went to the rest room and washed my hands off using liquid soap. But in dealing with life's problems, we may often need a more comprehensive spiritual cleanup.

It may be necessary to ask the Lord to forgive us if we have sinned. "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). We may discover a need to forgive any who have hurt us. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32).

And let's never forget the One Who guided and helped us! Let's thank and praise Him for His help and deliverance.

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever" (Psalms 107:1)

Question: Are there problems you're facing that you haven't yet brought to the Lord in prayer?

     About this Author: Muriel Larson

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