there were several in different languages. You probably open one that was not in English.

From: "Kimsan" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:22 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Skype talking

The magic of copying and pasting works wonders!
I wonder why my help documentation was in jibrish?

-- Kimsan Song

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Holger Fiallo
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Skype talking

   Here you go.
Version 0.7
Copyright (c)2010 Hrvoje KatiƦ
Project website:

1. Introduction

SkypeTalking is a utility that makes Skype, a popular Internet telephony
program more accessible and blind user friendly. It uses Skype API wrapper
and your screen reader speech and braille output for obtaining information
from Skype and sending that information to your screen reader. SkypeTalking
will announce most Skype alerts, including user's status changes, incoming
and outgoing chat messages, call statuses, and much more! In short,
SkypeTalking will simply make Skype talk to you!
SkypeTalking was primarily developed for NVDA, a free and open source screen

reader, to allow NVDA more access to Skype application. However, it will
also support JAWS, Window-Eyes, System Access and SAPI5 speech, though with
SAPI5 you will not have braille support.

1.1. System requirements

To use SkypeTalking successfully, you need the following:
* Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7
* Any supported screen reader: Currently supported screen readers are NVDA
2010.1 Beta or later, JAWS (any version), Window-Eyes (any version) or
System Access (any version).
* If you don't use any of supported screen readers, a SAPI5 speech will be
used instead. In such case, you should have any SAPI5 compatible voices
(Windows systems come with at least one SAPI5 voice)
* And of course, Skype client application (3.x, 4.x or later) - will
probably work with Skype 2.x and possibly with 1.x, though not tested.

2. How to use

2.1. Installation and first run

To install SkypeTalking, launch SkypeTalking_setup.exe and follow the
instructions. The installation will create a desktop icon, a program group
in the start menu, and the installation folder found under x:\SkypeTalking
where x is your system drive letter.
To uninstall SkypeTalking, you can do this by opening SkypeTalking program
group in the start menu and choose Uninstall SkypeTalking.
To launch SkypeTalking, click SkypeTalking icon either from your desktop or
SkypeTalking entry in a start menu under programs\SkypeTalking.
When you launch SkypeTalking for the first time, it will be probably
unauthorized to communicate with Skype application. For security reasons,
Skype doesn't allow any 3rd-party plugins and extras to communicate with it
without user permission. This is to prevent viruses and trojans from
damaging Skype. To allow SkypeTalking's access to Skype, do the following:
1. Launch SkypeTalking, either from the desktop or from within the start
menu under Programs>SkypeTalking. You should here "Connecting to Skype".
2. Open Skype.
3. Go to menu bar, select tools, and then arrow up to options and press
4. Arrow down to the Advanced category.
5. Press Shift+Tab repeatedly until you land on "Manage other program's
access to Skype" link. Press Spacebar to activate it.
6. Find SkypeTalking in a list (it should be usually a first item), tab to
Change button, and press Spacebar to activate it.
7. Press Tab. You should hear that you are positioned on a Radio Button that

says "Do not allow this program access to Skype". Arrow up untill you hear
"Allow this program access to Skype", and then press Enter.
8. Voila! You just allowed SkypeTalking to use Skype! SkypeTalking should
now say "Success". You can now press Escape multiple times to exit options.
You even don't need to save them.
Note, you will have to repeat these steps each time when you reinstall
SkypeTalking, but don't worry, you have to do this only once per
SkypeTalking installation. You will also have to do this if changing
SkypeTalking.exe location.

2.2. How to use

Once launched, SkypeTalking will run in a background and read alerts aloud
until you close it.
SkypeTalking has keyboard shortcuts that you can use to control
SkypeTalking's behaviour and get any particular information repeated or
spoken. All SkypeTalking's keyboard shortcuts are in combination with Alt,
Ctrl and Shift keys (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Something). Thus we can say that
Alt+Ctrl+Shift keys act as a SkypeTalking modifier. So to issue a commend,
you hold Alt+Ctrl+Shift (SkypeTalking Modifier), and press any other key
while holding it down.

2.3. Keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are currently available in SkypeTalking:
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+A - Display About Dialog - This dialog shows the current
version of SkypeTalking, copyright information, web site information etc.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S - SkypeTalking Settings Dialog - Allows you to adjust
behavior of SkypeTalking, such as speech output, reading of alerts etc.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+V - Speak currently running version of Skype and API wrapper
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+M - Repeat last chat message - Repeats last incoming or
outgoing chat message
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+E - Repeat last event - Repeats last Skype event including
chat messages.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+I - Toggle ignoring of all Skype events. If turned on,
SkypeTalking will simply ignore events and will not speak or record them.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+1 through 0 - Speak last chat messages 1 through 10. If
pressed twice, will copy message to clipboard. If pressed thrice, will open
a URL in a default web browser (if message contains any URL address).
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Backspace - Toggle your Skype status on the fly between
online, away, not available, do not disturb etc.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+F - Speak status of current file transfer.
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar - Stop speech - Stops speech
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+F4 - Exit SkypeTalking - Unloads SkypeTalking

2.4. The settings

SkypeTalking settings dialog can be invoked by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S.
The settings dialog has 3 tabs (General, Output and Alerts) that you can
switch by using standard Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab Windows keystrokes.

2.4.1. General tab

The General tab of SkypeTalking settings dialog has the following options. Automatically start Skype if not running

This option when checked will allow SkypeTalking to automatically launch
Skype for you if you forget to launch Skype before running SkypeTalking.
This is also useful if you wish to run Skype and have an instant speech
access to Skype.

2.4.2. Output tab

The Output tab contains settings related to speech and braille output. Here
you can set the following options. Speech Output

The Speech Output combo box allows you to set your prefered speech output.
If you set it to Auto Detect, it will automatically detect and use your
running screen reader, or SAPI5 if your screen reader is not running or
unknown to SkypeTalking. If set to SAPI5, it will automatically use SAPI5
speech and will ignore your screen reader. SAPI5Speech controls

The next 3 controls are edit spin boxes with which you can control volume
and speech rate of your SAPI5 synthesizer in case when SAPI5 is used. You
can either use the arrow keys to adjust values or type a desired number. Enable Braille Output

This checkbox allows you to decide would you like to see SkypeTalking output

on your braille display. This option doesn't work with SAPI5.

2.4.3. The Alerts tab

This tab allows you to toggle on and off the announcements of various Skype alerts currently supported by SkypeTalking. Anything unchecked here will be ignored by SkypeTalking. You can toggle the announcements of incoming chats,

outgoing chats, online statuses etc.

2.5. Final information and contact details

SkypeTalking is free and open source software. Open source meens that
software source code is available to anyone who wants it. SkypeTalking uses
GNU General Public License version 2.0. You can read a full license in
license.txt file that came with SkypeTalking.
If you are a programmer, or want to contribute to a source code or may be
run SkypeTalking directly from source, you can visit an SVN repository of
SkypeTalking found on
project website. There you can also download latest version.
If you are a translator and want to localize SkypeTalking into your own
language, you can contact me via e-mail to get very latest translation file
and send me your translations. My contact e-mail address is
New! You can also join SkypeTalking mailing list hosted on Google Groups by
using the following address: To
send e-mail to a mailing list, use address.
Note that this is english-speaking list.
You can follow me on Twitter at:

End of document.

From: "Kimsan" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 9:22 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Skype talking

It's not helpful seeing as the help documentation is pretty much in

-- Kimsan Song
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Holger Fiallo
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 4:44 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Skype talking

For those who are having problem with using skype talking it might help if you go to read documentation. You will find it under skype talking folder.
Go to start and go up to all program and open and find skype talking.
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