Try this, it might help and again it might not. control+ shift+o or tools 
Option Maintenance page. tab to stored folder and enter. Copy the info and 
paste it in the run box. Than delete the delete folder. O E will create a 
new delete folder when you open it. This little trick have save me a lot of 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Albert Cutolo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 23:02
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Follow up to the list on my outlook express 6 problem.

Good evening everyone:

As some of you may remember, Earlier in the week I posted a problem to the
list about how my outlook express 6 was reading the prior  subject line of
the  message that I had deleted when I wenttoo read the next message that's
in    my in box.  I called Freedomscientific this morning and talked with a
tek too ask him if there was a fix that might help too correctthis ongoing
problem.  He told me too update my jaws 11, which is the current version
that I'm using from Jaws 7 point 54  too 7 point 56 I think.  After the
update was successfuly downloaded, I restarted the computer, then went back
into my outlook express 6, too see if the update that he told me too install
had fixed the problem.  Unfortunately, it didn't work as I had hoped that it
would.  So, if there are any assistive technology trainers out there who
either might have heard, or know of a fix for this problem, I would sure
appreciate any help, suggestion, or advice on this problem.       If not,
then I'll probably have to install windows live mail, and no longer use
outlook express 6 as my email  program for reading and sending email.  This
problem, is causing me too accidently delete important messages, because I
see the subject line of the previous message.  This is a very anoying
problem that I'd like too fix if possible.  Also because I'm comfortable
using     the format that this program has, I'd rather not have too swich
too another program unless I really am forced too.

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