Hi David.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I signed up to the JFW list hoping to make a difference, and i hoep i can be of help to you and your users in the future. I have been testing programs for accessibility for over 7 years now, and anything that isn't accessible that alot of people use, i believe in bugging the author until they do make it accessible. VI people are just as important and we should have a voice as well. I am currently working with a company called trusteer. They provide software to make online banking more secure. It didn't work with screen readers, so i contacted them after being accused from my bank of having a virus on my machine. After i'd explained to the guy that i worked in PC repair and i was a technition and therefor i did not need to quote take my pc to the nearest pc shop for a pc health check, he said ok, i will have trusteer contact you. They did, and i advised them that i was using jaws and how to test their product using jaws, i'm awaiting a response from them now. I also contacted a company called returnil, www.returnil.com, but that story is for another post, they've also agreed to turn MSAA back on in their upcoming product release, they'd turned it off in the current release. i'll explain more in another post.

Sorry for going off on a tangent, but this is basically to reinforce my point that we are just as important and sometimes, all companies need is a nudge, if they don't know we're using their software, they aren't going to try to remedy the problem.

All the very best,


David Ferrin wrote:
I must say as list owner your posts have been informative and well written, thank you very much.
David Ferrin
Life is what happens after you have already made other plans.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mobeen Iqbal" <mobeeniq...@gmail.com>
To: <jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 18:10
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Avast downgrade to 4.8 instructions


For those of you who want to go back to using the free/pro edition of
4.8 until its updated, here are the links and instructions for removal
of 5.0.

Firstly, if you have tried to uninstall avast using ad/remove programs
and it hasn't worked for what ever reason, its recommended that you
download the removal utility from the following link and run it. follow
all on-screen instructions, and this should remove any traces of avast
from your system. They did recommend running this in safe mode, but i've
tried running it as admin without going in to safe mode, and it works
perfectly fine.


Now, here are the 2 links for avast 4.8. Just download either the free
edition or professional edition depending on which edition you have used
in the past, reinstall it, reenter your licence information, and you're
good to go.

Pro edition:


Free Edition:


My intention was not to create a dispute on the list, nor was it to
start a debate on which anti-virus is best. It was mearly to tell other
jaws users that I have contacted avast regarding those issues, and
they've agreed to look in to the issues for us, we can't ask fairer than
that. Microsoft haven't really looked in to many issues for
freedomscientific, VI users weren't even taken in to account when the
newer versions of office came out, and when their new silverlight
software was released, as well as when msn messenger changed to windows
live messenger. they've always waited for people like freedomscientific
to catch up and clean up their mess and make programs accessible, and
always will. I wouldn't like to rely on them too heavily, i've had too
many experiences of them getting a windows update wrong and the next
thing i know, my system is rendered useless until they release a fix.

As i said earlier i didn't mean to cause offence, Nor am i telling
people which anti-virus to use, as long as yours does the job you're
good to go. i will keep the list updated on the progress of avast's new
release which should, we hope, be compatible with screen readers. I hope
this information has been of some help to all.

Best to all,


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