
I had the same reticence prior to switching to MSE. But, I read several articles comparing MSE at various virus testing labs not affiliated with Microsoft. It rated as the best of the free programs and among the upper group of commercial AV programs. Since it has an active spyware as well as anti-virus, and since you can easily configure the scanning options, I am feeling quite comfortable with this program.

Again, look at the reviews since this is a relatively new program within the past eight months.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mobeen Iqbal" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] avast accessibility

Lol. I never drempt when i posted the info about avast that it would create this much of an interesting discussion! There is no wrong or right answer, this reminds me a little of politics verses religion, in the tech world maybe there will never be an answer to a lot of things. Good for you that you're using MSEE is all i can say, as i said each to his own. The issue from anyone's security prispective should not necissarily be accessibility though this does play a HUGE part, but also weather the program actually is doing what its supposed to do. i haven't tried MSEE, nor do i intend to, though perhaps i'll try it when i next have a machine i'm not afraid of breaking in terms of the windows installation. The way i see it, a good shield should keep the virus from getting in to your pc in the first place, not clean it when its already infected! surely that's logical? but yes, in the unlikely event that a virus has entered someone's computer, it should be able to clean it as well. If microsoft had a track record we could trust, i'd say excellent, they're a great company with a great idea and i'd stick to them like glue. But unfortunately, they don't, maybe we should all switch to linux to resolve the dispute :) .


Stephanie Smeader wrote:
Hello everyone may I point out thatMSE is the most accessible program out there for most jaws users! I had Avast for a while but it's not totally accessible for those who are using 64 bit computers nor was it totally accessible for my old 32 bit windowsXP computer!
therefore "don't knock MSE" until you know all the facts!
those who are now using MSE good for you!
If something's not broken "don't fix it"!
As for Avast we had to routejaws to pc to find the uninstal button to uninstall avast! With MSE it's totally accessible especially when installing MSE so really you guys "think before you speak"! ----- Original Message ----- From: "ENES SARIBAS" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 10:27 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] avast accessibility

1 i don't trust microsoft in the security zone
you say mse is good but not as good as avira
i look at independent tests
read a bit about avira

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